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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The Jew hatred is real, not imagined. I don't agre that means that atrocities are justified. That's just part of your demonization narrative.
  2. You post so much about this conflct, and you don't know anything about the Jewish people and their history. Bizarre!
  3. No matter how many links I could post, you would still be maga and buy his garbage.
  4. Of course the Palestinians want their own state -- with Israel gone!
  5. Because Jew haters think Jews should be bound by a different standard. Such people also criticized when Jews were too passive as in WW2. You can't win with Jew haters. Thus, the IDF does what it needs to do regardless.
  6. Why should I respond? I'm not Israeli or Palestinian or a US negotiator and my personal opinion on that means nothing. I think it's the business of the parties involved, and like I said NEITHER side wants two states.
  7. I'm not always in the mood to suffer fools and Trump - Putin apologists.
  8. You're going to be dissapointed. Israel will compete and they will be winning medals as well.
  9. It's a horrible thing! Trump intends to try to force Ukraine into giving genocidal war criminal dictator everything he wants! He's expliciitly pro Russia.
  10. One state means Israel is over. Neither side wants two states. You're basically fantasizing about pie in the sky stuff.
  11. The US can help Ukraine beat Russia without sending troops. I'll ignore your personal flame.
  12. Permanent ceasefire!?! You're tripping. Hamas needs to be crushed first. Israel needs to win. You clearly want them to lose.
  13. You can't negotiate with Putin's Russia. They intend to WIN no matter what and the only realistic response is to make them LOSE. Very similar to WW2 and fools who thought you could negotiate with Hitler.
  14. This sounds like super great news IF it passes. A Bill to Eliminate Taxes on Social Security Benefits Has Been Reintroduced — And It Might Keep the Program Afloat for 20 More Years. Here’s How | Moneywise
  15. I don't see what's happening in Gaza as literally genocide, and I don't believe that Israel has genocidal intentions towards Arabs as Hamas, etc. has genocidal intentions towards Jews. HOWEVER, there is no doubt that there is a humanitarian disaster happening there. You can share the blame between Hamas who started this current war and uses their own people as human shields and Israel who is trying to crush Hamas and can't avoid the tragic consequences to civilians, but it's still real and horrible whatever you call it. So definitely much more needs to be done to address the suffering in Gaza but it's still not reasonable to demand that Israel surrender to Hamas.
  16. Unfortunately, the Maga fascists the same as war criminal genocidal dictator Putin cannot be ignored until they're soundly defeated.
  17. It's totally on topic! Who is blocking desperately needed military aid to Ukraine? Trump, Johnson, Greene, etc. -- Maga fascists. Blood on their hands and shame on all pro Putin Americans as well.
  18. Taxation is another factor to consider. If you do take out big chunks that means more tax if your withdraws are subject to tax meaning drawing down too much if there is tax increases the chance of running out of money. Of course the fear of running out of money when you are past earning money is the main and very real fear factor in these decisions.
  19. I think if Putin thinks he can get away with it, he'll go for any target including NATO countries (the Baltics are particularly vulnerable). The west caving in Ukraine aided by the Maga fascists would give him confidence. There are also non NATo countries in the east that interest him. Obviously of course Putin thought conquering Ukraine would be much easier and quicker but it hasn't been and yet it's clear that he will never stop as long as he lives! There is no such thing as fair negotiation with Putin. As far as long term damage to Russia, yes some of that has already happened, and continued damage to Russia which is unfortunately slow is the best chance for Ukraine to prevail. It's amazing what Ukraine has done with blowing up Russian oil refineries and sinking black sea ships. All the maga fascists look at is the Ukraine map and lack of progress taking back stolen lands. But much more is going on. Taking out the Kherson Bridge is probably hopefully inevitable and that would be a huge turning point. Ukraine has proven that Putin's red lines where he is going to use nukes are all bluff. Yes all this may take years or many years but so do many historical wars (should the allies in WW2 caved to the Nazis after two years?), and it's clear to me that the only way Ukraine loses is for the west to lose its resolve. An irony is that with a weakened Russia, China will be tempted to pounce on to Siberia using the same kind of historical narratives Putin uses against Ukraine. Also about Ukraine. Yes Ukraine is special to Putin. He really believes his perverted narrative of history that Ukraine doesn't exist separate from Russia. Negotiations at best will create a pause for a later push.
  20. I retired earlier than that but early retirement has different math considerations. You can retire at 30 if you can afford it, but probably most such people shouldn't be drawing down before their 60's.
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