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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I guess there are some more American foods that I would love to see here. Chicago style Italian beef sandwiches Chicago deep dish pizza Authentic collard greens Good new england clam chowder Fried fat belly clams American style lasagna
  2. Yes I do miss certain foods from "back home" but many even most of them are satisfied here (Pattaya). Specifically -- Mexican dishes such as chile relleno, chicken dark mole, pozole Ethiopian Vietnamese Pho (sold here but not good)
  3. Empty wallet seeks full wallet. Long term bankruptcy possible. More seriously, I've always had rather eclectic tastes. I think we are hard wired in many ways for what does it for us. For example, the social norm may be into gym bodies but I prefer imperfection but not all imperfection, just whatever for non rational reasons attracts in the moment. Sure stunning beauty is appreciated but such people are often nothings otherwise. I used to look at "odd" couples and wonder -- now I just accept them as part of the fabric of life.
  4. Finished Griselda. OMG so flippin' great! Must see tv.
  5. I like the cute ones who don't want to kill Jews quite a lot thank you very much. Israel has a free press as you well know and a wide range of editorial slants are represented there.
  6. I heard an interesting idea from The Salukie about how a one stare solution could work. A total dictatorship but equal rights and same citizenship for all. A total camera surveillance state with social credits China style Quick death penalty for violence. Slow transition to more civil liberties over time if possible. Sounds like hell, have no idea how that could actually ever happen, but weirdly such a radical regime might be the only way that a one state solution short of expelling and murdering all Israeli Jews could ever be possible.
  7. Never over many many years and that's what I told the guy which was the truth so how was I supposed to know. I have never considered that a requirement. You provide a copy and sign it. Even stranger for reasons not worth mentioning I had also provided a full year bank statement along with the copies. I'm sure it's not required if you have a full year bank book record. But there was even less reason to demand the original in such a case.
  8. Yes you need to show the full previous year. At Jomtien they accept either a copy of bank book if there are no composite entries or a full year bank statement showing all transactions. I was shocked last extension that they demanded to see the actual book in addition to the copy. First time I experienced that. I sacrificed any faint shread of dignity I might have and begged them to let it slip this time (will do next time I promise!) and mercy was shown. Now for the 64,000 satang question. Suppose you come in and there is a fault BEFORE the two months before 800K seasoning rule. For example, during the time you need only 400K suppose it went under the 400K a while. Would that actually DENY the extension based on that? Technically under the rules they should, but would they?
  9. The pro genocide River to the Sea brigade complains when Israel accepts too many civilian casualties and now complains about an operation that successfully precisely targeted specific terrorist targets. It's the same old story for thousands of years. Whatever the Jews do, it's wrong. And people wonder why the Israeli right wing cares little about international PR.
  10. Information you won't find from mainstream media like Bloomberg. Inside knowledge about the details of how things really work and don't work in Russia. Russia is having a very bad winter and the people that would normally fix and maintain the now crumbling and centralized heating infrastructure are either in Ukraine or dead. Oops!
  11. I haven't been since my teen years but couldn't resist the weed explosion here and it's been fascinating to learn how things have advanced since then. Also wine is too expensive here.
  12. Show me one case where they even tested for thc levels much less arrested for that since the law change. One case.
  13. That's what the cultists do. They don't have actual arguments. They have belief in the dear leader.
  14. That's ridiculous. Edibles with high THC coming from extracts and high THC extracts are being sold now all over Thailand, openly in shops, and of course online, with no legal consequence. That is for NOW of course. Shops getting in trouble are generally about licensing issues.
  15. This news story isn't about that either way, Just some people getting predictably triggered when they hear the world Israel. They clearly all have Russian or Belorussian backgrounds at least. It's not clear how many are dual citizens, etc. The press here is quite often inprecise on such matters. They are publicly anti Putin and attract anti Putin audiences. At this point in time, Israelis travelling abroad are thin on the ground. The two wars are not the same. If you want to discuss Middle east war, there are plenty of other topics for that.
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