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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. River to the sea means no more Israel and it's unbelievable that you don't know that.
  2. Sounds like he means net worth. It would be insane to hold 13 mb in cash unless you're Elon Musk or someone like that.
  3. I call B.S. Israel does have the technical capability to commit genocide. But the Palestinian Arab population has skyrocketed over time. Indeed even 20 percent of Israeli citizens are Arabs (and polls of them say they would much rather stay Israeli citizens). So the Israelis are really crap at genocide (curious when they obviously have so many other talents) if they intend that, which they don't. I find your rhetoric Jew hating -- conflating the policies of the Israeli state to Nazis meets the definition of that. Shame on you.
  4. I came very early for a retired person with a quite modest nest egg but eventually receiving US social security was part of the plan. I think that's a key -- to eventually have some kind of pension coming later if retiring early. If not then you really do need a lot more money to start. Over time as I've been quite frugal, so my net worth (investments) has grown quite a bit. Now I'm in a position of thinking about ways to spend MORE money! Harder than it sounds.
  5. I don't think people are usually named by sexual acts they enjoy. Most of us would have very long names then.
  6. I love Stremio. Torrents without downloading files.
  7. A friend of mine liked to call it dining at the altar of Satan. I guess he was religious like the cult leader in the story. Atheists can enjoy too.
  8. The reality of what Hamas is is awkward. Is Hamas going to release all the hostages and change their policy of Kill all Jews?
  9. "They" say its better to give than receive. I say differently. Once experienced -- peak pleasure you'll never forget. (But don't curl your tongue.)
  10. 10 million baht. Including buy a condo for 3 million baht. Visa account -- 800K baht. Invest the rest of it in high risk equities. Sorted.
  11. That reminds me of several clips I've seen of Palestinians done by Al Jazeera, etc. Someone says the Arabic word for Jews and the subtitle says Zionists. Who do they think they're fooling? Again, Hamas charter says Kill all Jews. Ironically many of the people Hamas murdered on October 7 were more of the peacenik pro-coexistence sort of Israelis.
  12. All you do is spout an extremist one side anti-"Zionist" narrative but if YOU actually read the history you would realize it isn't even close to being as simplistic or one side as that. But yeah -- it won't change your mind. Again, it is a war.
  13. His background is Italian. In the modern US that's white. https://historynewsnetwork.org/article/173298
  14. Haley claims she is Christian (converted). In my opinion there will be a transgender Samoan albino president before a Jew.
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