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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Antigay bigots want it both ways. Some say why that's unnatural! Then when they find out it's natural, they say, you're animals! (As if straight people aren't animals.) It's not a "few" species. I get you now. Your prejudice is hard wired in. Nothing further to discuss.
  2. To Israel demonizers, Israel defending themselves against barbaric terrorists is a war crime by definition.
  3. As it sounds like he has another account there is NO NEED to ask for lenience. Applying using multiple accounts is ALLOWED.
  4. Some are civllians. Some are active Hamas. We've been through this before. Hamas uses human shields and Israel has decided (for better or worse) that it's worth it for their military goals to target Hamas fighters knowing some civilians will be killed. Like all wars. It's a matter of degree. Again, this is a WAR.
  5. Back to biology class for you. Does the species depend on every or even most men sperming up to make babies? Do you know how many sperm are in ONE man's ejaculation? Do you know how many offspring one man, Genghis Khan, had? The species is not at risk because gay people exist. Homosexuality has always existed in humans and is found naturally in many other species. Let's face reality -- you just have an IRRATIONAL prejudice and it's as ugly a prejudice as racism, etc.
  6. Hope lives! Why not use the other bank account?!? As said immigration WILL accept showing money in multiple accounts. For example account one went under but another account has at least as much as the under amount for the time account one went under. This is not a big stretch for immigation. There is nothing in the law about it needing to be one account. If not that, 2 or 3 weeks might be possible for an agreed upon overstay. Things are really looking up for your situation. My current suggestion. Go in with bank letters for BOTH accounts. Have updated full year records in bank book for BOTH accounts. Some offices want full printed out statements on top of the bank books. As said before, composite transactions in bank books are not accepted. If you want to super proactive you could get the full statements for both accounts on top of the bank books.
  7. Well of course there is a per day fine for overstay but worth paying considering the alternative. I agree if going in and begging as it put it before, the only hope is to address the elephant in the room from the get go. Don't wait for the fault to be discovered. It will be! Come in well dressed and as non-aggressive, non-demanding, humble and polite as can possibly be. You know who is the boss and it's not you! I would get right to it, say this accident happened, it was one day and fixed that day, but understand that that wasn't OK as far as the 800K rule. So as this did happen, officer, is there anything I can do now to still get my extension?
  8. You're entitled to have your own opinions, in this case a completely daft conspiracy theory that gays are in control of straight porn and pushing their anal sex agenda. As far as your personal experience of active anal sex, that's your personal experience and true to you. I think any kind of penetrative sex can be "rapey" and that can be a source of excitement when it (hopefully) isn't literally rape! I have a suggestion though. You're a man. You have a prostate. Which means you're designed to get a kind of pleasure from passive anal sex that women can't possibly get. So may I suggest if you want to be truly fair and balanced about this entire anal sex matter, assume the position for the other side. No homo needed either if you don't understand how that can be a hetero thing, see google. Also to add, it's my impression that anal play has become much more popular with the younger crowd (mostly straight people as people are mostly straight), but I think that's mostly about rimming, not penetration.
  9. Semantics. Nobody is suggesting that everyone is or should be gay. Is having hazel eyes normal? Is having hazel eyes a physical or mental condition? Also it's not about glorifying. Widely representing gay people in media frees creators not to worry about showing all kinds of gay people, including villians. The point is more like showing gay people are PEOPLE, period.
  10. Not sure but based on what he wrote he would need to do a very long overstay so likely not an option. You're correct that that an agreed on overstay with immigration has been reported as a solution in the past. But I assume there's a limit on how long an overstay.
  11. Great point. If he does immigration will accept using multiple accounts. Of course you'd need bank letters and transaction records for both accounts.
  12. Exactly. For the Israel demonizers everything and anything Israel does is always wrong except if they choose to commit national suicide and stop defending themselves.
  13. Sounds like maybe a Covid era thing and as an O visa is only for 90 days that would be different and also if you later got retirement extensions in Thailand as started with O no insurance required. Getting a 90 day O visa outside Thailand based on retirement has always been an iffy situation Embassies will generally require OA if you say retirement. This is why getting the initial O in Thailand has become more usual. When I started long ago I was able to get an O based on retirement at a Thai consulate in the US.
  14. You're wrong. The bank book will only update composite if it hasn't been updated for a very large number of transactions and or a very long time period depending on the rules of the specific bank. When immigration sees composite transactions they will require getting a full detailed statement from the bank showing ALL transactions.
  15. Extensions outside Thailand are never done. Whether you need insurance or not is determined by the visa you start with. O-A available outside Thailand only requires insurance for the initial visa and all subsequent extensions in Thailand. O visa obtained inside or outside Thailand requires no insurance for the initial visa and all subsequent extensions in Thailand. Obviously the best choice is to start with an O visa not an OA visa.
  16. It's a war. Israel didn't ask for it. Iran trained Hamas terrorists forced it. I guess the fact that Israel is suffering significant casualties takes an argument away from the Israel demononizers who are always angry when they don't during wars.
  17. Yeah grocery shelf space is limited. There isn't much space if any for sugar free cereals. At Lazada search คอร์นเฟลคตราซันเกรนส์ บรรจุ 1 กิโลกรัม
  18. Well I can say this. If your book did update with composite transactions that won't help you because in such cases immigration will require full statements showing all transactions. You seem to be saying it went under and back the same day. So at least you have that in your favor if you go in begging. It seems to me you have two options. Go in there and beg them or go to an agent. I'm not suggesting begging will work. I guess it's possible.
  19. If it's about the economy Biden definitely deserves a second term. But his PR machine is awful.
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