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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not very diplomatic. Thais have been murdered and taken hostage by Hamas. Not the best time to cause friction with the Israeli government when they have a war going on on possibly three fronts. In the context of inviting genocidal war criminal Putin (who has sided with Iran, North Korea, and Hamas) to Thailand to have a friendly visit. Nothing wrong with advocating for these workers but the optics of making this a public spat at this historically difficult time in Israeli history doesn't make sense.
  2. If Israelis weren't Jews, but another flavor of Arabs, this conflict would barely be in the news at all.
  3. i'm easily amused. One time I dumpster dived an item from there for myself. A huge fake houseplant. Gotta act quickly. Don't dawdle! I have wondered why they threw it out. Does it have cooties?
  4. I just leave stuff in the trash area of my condo and I make a sport of seeing how quickly things get snatched up. One time a maid was there and I handed it directly to her with a thank you.
  5. In any case, the most powerful Arab in the region at the time, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, spent the war in Berlin and met with Hitler to get the promise from him that he would exterminate all the Jews in the Middle East after he got through with doing so in Europe.
  6. Not only possible, but expected. Par for the course from the Israel demonization brigade.
  7. You can't win with this one. Thailand is home to me and I have no other. But to immigration I'm a glorified tourist on a short leash. To anyone else that asks here and I say my Thai place, the answer is usually seen as rude or cagey and the implied reaction is always where is your REAL home f-rang!
  8. You've got to be kidding, gaslighting, or both.
  9. Moral clarity. The Hamas apologists (and worse) need to start to recognize evil and that you can't make peace with evil.
  10. Evil is real but too many in the west are living in a fantasy world. Sometimes war is necessary. Now is such a time for the state of Israel. Evil is real, and the West is in peril for forgetting that (telegraph.co.uk) Evil is real, and the West is in peril for forgetting that The refusal of so many to see Hamas’s wickedness for what it is speaks to a dangerous moral relativism
  11. Now I get you. You think all Hamas wants is a Palestinian state side by side with Israel. You are objectively wrong. No wonder everything you've posted here is completely divorced from facts and reality. I won't bother to reply to you any more. Total waste of time.
  12. Perhaps he naively thinks Israelis can magically go back to south Israel to live in peace without a military campaign to castrate the terrorist Hamas scum.
  13. You're tripping. What do you think Hamas wants?
  14. The hospital was not hit by Israel.
  15. Your trap is that you think that Hamas are rational players that think like you do.
  16. Irrelevant. Israel incorrectly thought Hamas wasn't a serious threat.
  17. Bait ignored. You know Hamas expected bombing, they provoked it, they use human shields, thus logically they wanted it Why? Hamas is an Islamist terrorist organization. They don't think like westerners. They want to wipe out Israel and install an Isis like caliphate. They don't care at all about the earthy lives of their own people. They exploit their deaths for propaganda purposes to influence gullible westerners to support them and oppose Israel. It is completely impossible to negotiate peace with Hamas just as it was with Isis.
  18. Anyone that believes that much of the pro Palestinian response is not about approval of Hamas including the pogrom would make great marks for buying the Brooklyn Bridge.
  19. You're never fair. You're obsessed with demonizing Israel and pushing a they had it coming interpretation of the pogrom.
  20. You're pushing a false equivalence. You lack moral clarity. You don't see the difference between the pogrom in south Israel and Israel going after military targets that tragically have human shields at them which is Hamas policy.
  21. CASSANDRO This is simply a wonderful movie. Based on a true story but not a literal biography. Masterful performance by Gael Garcia Bernal. Nothing more to say.
  22. Because the Arab world where most of them come from either doesn't want them at all or if they come they're stuck in refugee camps for generations. The faction that have old keys to houses in Israel generally have keys to nothing now. They should have accepted the UN partition.
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