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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yeah, OK. So she's financially sorted now and prefers the UK. But I suppose the story would be different if she wasn't.
  2. I'm not a super fan either. I'm just seeing him in a different light now in view of his leadership on the wars. He's the right person in that role at this time in history.
  3. I disagree. What president could have possibly done better in the face of an opposing party that was taken over by a fascist cult leader? He needs to be viewed in that context and I'm confident historians will concur. But I don't think he should run again. He can't overcome how he's superficially viewed -- the too old thing.
  4. Biden is right. Biden's leadership on both Ukraine and Israel have been his finest hours. He's a very good if not great president. Too bad about the optics of him looking so frail. So it won't help him politically.
  5. Good one and for most of them, a spot on comment. They want to chant River to the Sea but some are now afraid of being doxed.
  6. As well they should. I would like to see people that aren't citizens who participate in pro genocide of Jews rallies to be deported. Otherwise, it is free speech in the US anyway where even full blown Nazis can march.
  7. I can't remember such details about each poster. When I hear Free Palestine! I always think that people should explain their definition. There is no way that most people chanting that especially with the genocidal River to the Sea added, think like you do. They like the Hamas terrorists want to end Israel completely.
  8. Yes, that's a big problem almost everywhere in the US and certainly most everywhere that is on the "more afforable" variety. You absolutely need a car. I guess the only bright side to that is that 20 year old beater cars are pretty cheap. I know nothing about Hattiesburg. It sounds OK for the deep south. They even have a synagogue and a gay community center. But I checked apartments and it looks like you're talking 900 for anything not horribly depressing. I can afford like 350, ha ha.
  9. What you said is very different than the wild eyed genocidal Jew hating River to the Sea mobs are saying on the streets. To them they would never believe Israel didn't do it if you stuck the evidence in their faces.
  10. Do you need the entire extra 30 days? I don't think you can do a TM7 for this but I recall a number of reports in the past of people being late by some days on their annual extension and allowed to proceed by paying a per day overstay fine. However, I don't have a clue how you would manage such an attempt, and it's not something I would ever want to try myself (to go in late). Maybe someone else can advise.
  11. Not sure about that. As Hitler learned it's quite a bother to deal with millions of dead bodies.
  12. Aw shucks. Demonizing Israel is an end in itself. Facts? Who needs facts. Israel demonizers want it to be the Israelis that bombed the Gaza hospital even though they didn't. Facts and truth aren't what they used to be.
  13. Define freedom. Most want to kick out the Jews and take all of Israel. If they won't leave and most won't well then kill them. Same diff
  14. Interesting point. I definitely don't want to repatriate! It's more dread than fear. Just in case I keep tabs on so called more affordable US destinations. The most recent one I looked at was Hattiesburg Mississippi. Yippee!
  15. They are and should be if their rhetoric indicates that they are but of course normal criticism of Israeli policies is not antisemitism.
  16. I think it reflects a wide range of opinions. It's a discussion topic not an op-ed article.
  17. Thats another POV that's allowed. Suck it up buttercup.
  18. You'd complain if they did. You'd complain if they didn't.
  19. Stop talking rubbish. You are allowed any view.
  20. Or perhaps its because your attempts at plausible deniability aren't very plausible.
  21. Reading between the lines you do come off as a Hamas cheerleader. You can deny but you don’t control what others perceive.
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