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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You obviously hate gays. You're fooling nobody. You're all hot and bothered that a country that isn't even your own is going to finally grant equal civil rights to them. That is truly perverted. Like I said Malaysia welcomes you
  2. You're guessing. You really don't get it Hamas wants to kill all Jews and end Israel. If Gaza had a government favoring peace and cooperation with Israel Israel would respond in kind.
  3. Much more than Arabs. Both peoples should be able to live in peace now in the region But that's impossible with Palestinians more and more having genocidal River to the sea intentions for Jews.
  4. Jewish people have the better and longer claim as the indigenous people of Israel than the Johnny come lately Arabs.
  5. No Interest in persuading hard core homophobic bigots. Don't flatter yourself Bucko
  6. Why did Hamas who has ruled Gaza for so long not bothered to become more independent of Israel who they want to annihilate? Also golly gee they have a border with Egypt.
  7. What a vile hate filled post. Thailand is moving forward at least with these issues. If that bothers you too much you can move to Malaysia which has criminalized homosexuality.
  8. Of course they should be paid. Duh. But Israel is at war and in crisis level perhaps not seen since its founding. Its not normal peace time business there now. I reckon most Thai workers there want to and should go home now. If they are owed back pay if Israel is still an intact country after the war I'm sure that Thai diplomats will assist in trying to get any still owed compensation.
  9. Mine is much closer to 1000 than 2000. I think the average is well under 2000. There are Americans retired abroad on 800. Obviously the less income and wealth the fewer options for legal residency and the less fabulous the amenities. But the point is that there are options for the lower income and wealth expats.
  10. Tell Hamas that who want to murder all Jews and the fashionable pro Palestine westerners chanting the genocidal River to the Sea. You're trying to cover up that dark reality.
  11. Yeah I do hear you look 20 years younger than your age but I definitely feel my age and think they may need an eye exam.
  12. It was not. But disco music yes. A few years later I joined the Disco Sucks brigade but honestly the golden age of disco was a glorious era.
  13. Total bullsheit. Thailand leaders are responding to Thai people in this. You're just against civil rights for minorities that you hate in Thailand or anywhere else. Also Thailand has their Katoey culture from ancient times that has nothing to do with the west. I guess you're also against Thais wearing modern clothes. Haters seem to always have some cover story to deflect from their bigotry. Thais want to make this change now. That's that.
  14. Not the topic here. Do you seriously think passing marriage equality precludes legislation on anything else? Why not just be honest and say you're against marriage equality instead of playing silly games?
  15. I did my 90 day Jomtien office report online a few weeks ago and it was approved same day. Not sure why this "new rule" applies to people doing it online as you fill out the form online every time.
  16. It's important enough to FINALLY get it done after twiddling their thumbs about it for so many years. Better late than never.
  17. It has nothing to do with sucking up to America. If this government cared about sucking up to America, it wouldn't be neutral on the Israel Hamas war, and it wouldn't have invited Putin to visit Thailand.
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