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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Thailand will be the very first nation in Asean to have marriage equality! That will be great for the brand of Thailand. Now keep cannabis legal and keep the Thailand freedom train rolling!
  2. Hamas is an Islamist extremist terrorist group looking to have a region wide caliphate. Israel is a democracy of the one nation state in the world with a majority of Jewish people. It is not a theocracy. Not equivalents.
  3. Incorrect. Hamas intentionally murders civilians in the most barbaric ways possible. Israel targets terrorist targets thar have human shields at them. The targets are not the civilians.
  4. Hamas targets civilians. Israel targets terrorists. Not the same.
  5. If you're in the mood for a literary melancholy gay themed very French film Lie with Me will fit the bill. The title is a double entendre.
  6. No way Hamas agrees to that. Next ...
  7. Are you saying Thailand should act like an Islamic regime to curry favor with Muslim tourists? If so, that's daft. Muslims visit to get away from that crapola. The extremists can go to antigay, antisemitic Malaysia.
  8. No idea how your comment relates to this topic. Sexual minorities exist. They deserve civil rights like anyone else. As far as the PMs support for the bid for an international event that's about bringing revenue into Thailand. Hard to object to that. Nothing about woke.
  9. I'm happy I experienced being an object of desire but it's something to adjust to as it fades. If you never had it you are spared that let down. Another fun thing during your swoon bloom. Probably not for everyone but sometimes going with "uglies" and enjoying their joy acting as if they won the lottery. No not pity shags. Something else.
  10. Blah blah blah. First they need to win this war. Their survival depends on it. To paraphrase If the Arabs put down their arms there will be peace. If Israel puts down their arms they will be massacred.
  11. Depends on the male giving attention. Reminds me of a sign at bathhouse Said something like complaints of sexual harassment won't be entertained but complaints of no sexual harassment will be heard with sympathy. But no refunds!
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