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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Americans, just in case you don't know about FBAR (foreign financial accounts) filing requirements, the real deadline is soon approaching. If this is news to you, you need to determine if you're required to file an FBAR for calendar year 2022, and if you are, you need to soon file. Penalties for non-filing can be massive. Note that the deadline was April 15 but everyone gets an automatic extension to October 15 without the need to file for an extension (unlike IRS extensions to October 15). Thus the filing is not LATE until after October 15. How to file?
  2. But Israeli, American, etc. captives, forget about it! Anyway, it is good news if the Thai captives can be released without being murdered by the Hamas terrorists.
  3. Clearly. There are no compromises possible with Hamas.
  4. Review your history. Palestine would exist. The Arab world rejected it because they wouldn't accept the existence of Israel. The original sin of the Arab world that still stings.
  5. Hamas doesn't think Israel has a right to exist. To them (and indeed most Palestinian Arabs) the entirety of the nation of Israel is seen as occupied land.
  6. There it is again. Equating Israel with Nazis.
  7. Gaza has a border. Hamas crossed it to terrorize Israel.
  8. I'm confused. There were really 5,000 Thais IN Gaza? Really? I would find that very surprising. Near the Gaza border -- expected.
  9. It's pretty obvious -- demonize Israeli. Rationalize Hamas terrorism. Suggesting that Israel had it coming. Not much of a mystery.
  10. I doubt Israel would want to eliminate Hamas if Hamas wasn't intent on Israel not existing.
  11. I never said they are a race. They are a people and the vast majority can be identified as members of the major Jewish ethnicities (Sephardic, Ashkenazic, Mizrahi and Ethiopian). The Jewish people also follow rather tribal conventions. A Jewish mother means a person is a Jew. A Jewish father not. Obviously there are people that worship or convert to Judaism without technically being in the tribe. Antisemitism views Jews as a race though where a tiny percentage of Jewish blood makes a person a Jew. Nazism a prime example.
  12. Agreed. They are an ETHNORELIGIOUS people. Like the Yazidis. A secular Jew is still a Jew regardless. An apostate Muslim is no longer a Muslim. Got it now?
  13. Tablet only reported what was seen in photos. Obviously photos are sometimes faked.
  14. Antisemitism is racism so there is a difference. I think the term you're looking for is Islamophobia.
  15. As far of the blame game look beyond Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. Look more closely at the pan Arabic world that has for the most part failed to integrate Palestinian Arabs.
  16. There you go again with the Nazi equivalence garbage.
  17. That may be true but most Palestinian Arabs want Israel to stop existing. Naturally Israel has a problem with that.
  18. I am not accusing you of anything. Your post was classic antisemitic garbage. Jews are all rich. Jews are all cheap. You're not fooling anyone! Back to the real world. Business people of any ethnicity, whether they are rich or not, tend to pay wages that are high enough to attract workers (but not much more) and that level might be high or low depending on the market.
  19. Netanyahu explicitly said this is WAR not a military operation. It sounded like a snide dig at Putin to me, though likely uintended. It's definitely the Israel - Hamas war. Israel wants to eliminate Hamas, not Gaza. It will definitely be very bloody and it will definitely take quite a long time. Why? The hostages.
  20. So what? There is caca posting all over the internet of all flavors. That doesn't reflect the policies of any government.
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