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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Different reasons to return. Holidays ended. Need to return to work even in war. Different parts of Israel differently effected by the war. Called by the IDF as a reservist to fight the Hamas terrorists. 300,000 were called.
  2. I'm so surprised that Israel demonizers would mock Zelinsky.
  3. Well all the Israeli settlements on the west bank have certainly made a two state solution much harder to accomplish, if not almost impossble. I do blame Israel for that. But this war is against the Hamas terrorists in Gaza.
  4. A little bit of history. When early Zionist pioneers started migrating to Israel the Arabs were mostly in the hilly areas. The coastal areas were mostly clear. So the Zionists settled there. There were Arabs of course and they were paid for their land. Going forward there was a lot of migration of Arabs from other Arab regions into the Zionist areas for economic reasons. So the Jews were there before a lot of the Arabs. I think only about 400,000 Arabs were actually displaced by the founding of Israel and many left that didn't need to leave. And many of them were migrants, more recent than the Jews! But now somewhat mysteriously there are many millions of "Palestinian Arabs" globally who think they have claims to Israel. Permanent refugees for how many decades now? What other displaced group has become PERMANENT refugees? That isn't Israel's fault -- that's mostly the Arab world's fault for not accepting the right of Israel to exist and not accepting the "Palestinian" Arabs to be integrated into their nations -- sticking them in camps instead. Best example -- Lebanon.
  5. Palestinian Arabs never had their "own country" but that's a typical Israel demonizer false belief.
  6. There is a pretty good chance he must return to Israel to fight the Hamas terrorists. Israel is doing its biggest reservist mobilization in their history and it includes Israelis abroad. But be that as it may, it sounds like he might have grounds for a mental deferment.
  7. They did but it wasn't the Israeli government that did it. Hamas is the Gazan government. Get the difference, Chuckie?
  8. Earth to Mr. Mojo. Somehow I don't think mass murdering innocent civilians, shooting them at close range, raping them, and kidnapping large groups of them to be used as pawns to probably later be murdered on video is really going to move global public opinion in their direction.
  9. So you have no answer to the POV of the Hamas terrorists. Very predictable.
  10. No. It was Hamas, the terrorist ruling government of Gaza. There were also huge celebrations on the West Bank, etc.
  11. What do you mean exactly by Israeli occupation? To the Hamas terrorists, not one square inch of the state of Israel is legitimate. Israel left Gaza long ago. Many Israelis are questioning the wisdom of that now.
  12. I have a perhaps rude observation and it may or may not have merit, but I haven't seen it discussed before, and I think it's worth at least bringing it up. It's about the music festival massacre. How intentional was that? It looks very intentional. Were the terrorists aware of the kind of crowd that would dominate that kind of festival or would any group of unarmed Israelis near the border been just as juicy for them? I don't know. But consider the crowd. I think its fair to assume most were probably Tel Aviv leftist types more liberal on the Israel Palestinian conflict.
  13. It certainly wasn't everyone in Israel either, dude. It was an assassin. Duh.
  14. Maybe. Maybe not. This time is different. Israel and they are unified on this as much as any nation can be unified, the intention is to completely destory the terrorist Hamas government and their military capabilities. Mitigating factors may be Israel demonizers who don't think Israel has a right to do that and also the hostages. So if Israel succeeds, it won't be the same game in Gaza. But then the question will be -- who governs Gaza? That might be the really hard part and I doubt israel has any plan for that at this point.
  15. So instead of an answer, word salad.
  16. It says: As of Sunday night, he disclosed that about 5,000 Thais have been evacuated from Gaza to safety and evacuation is continuing.
  17. No need to stand in line to file FBAR online. You sound as if you think makes a person a superior human specimen to file FBAR early and that it's a sign of moral rot to file it in October. To the treasury department it makes no difference at all when you file aa long as it's before the deadline which is October 15.
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