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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. An interesting and timely perspective though made six months ago.
  2. Israel has been a nation state since 1948. As Hamas wants to murder every Jew and erase Israel. being "neighborly" really isn't in the cards at the moment, is it?
  3. Thailand being Thailand. The world will see such neutrality in the face of evil as projecting as a weaker "fly over" country that doesn't really want to be a major player. Not to be taken seriously. Up to them. At least they're not like Iran. I don't really blame Thailand for this. They've decided this is in their best self interest and I reckon they're probably right about that. But again there is also a price to backing off from being a serious world player.
  4. Interesting. I wasn't aware of that history before. But at the end of the day, Israel did become a state, and the Arab world (plus Iran etc.) has been absurdly slow in simply ACCEPTING that geopolitical reality.
  5. No. There were already Jews in the British Mandate. Zionist pioneers had been there already for many decades and they had bought (not stole) most of the original lands that they settled from Arabs. Good that you recognize that Israel IS the ancestral land of the Jews. So you would have wanted to stick the Jews in Germany of all places after the holocaust? That's perverted. Also there was never a Palestinian state. At the time Israel was created the area was a British mandate (much much larger) and before that a Turkish one (Ottoman Empire). That's why the idea of Palestinian Arabs as a distinctive identity from Arabs say in Syria or Jordan didn't exist until Israel existed.
  6. Sounds like something Putin would say.
  7. Yes, the Jewish people are indigenous to Israel. Most were indeed driven away and created a diaspora which exists to this day, although most in Europe were exterminated.
  8. Sounds like you're cherry picking a detail. Nobody is saying that Zionists were always angels either. But neither were the British colonialists ruling the Mandate. Such as when they turned away ships of Jewish refugees.
  9. The original displaced Arabs not known as Palestinians back then were only about 400,000. Many of them were recent migrants from what are now OTHER countries such as Jordan. More recent than the Zionist pioneers. When "Palestinians" for example moved to Lebanon after Israel was created, Lebanon stuck them in camps, never integrating them. Was that Israel's fault that the Arab would used them as pawns? As far as two million in Gaza, how many of those people NOW have keys to houses back in Israel? Come on man, normal people MOVE ON.
  10. I noticed that the Arabs were offered states multiple times over the years, always rejected them, and always opted for violence. I think the greater Arab world refused to integrate the original 400,000 displaced Arabs and encouraged them to cling to the delusion that someday they would erase Israel creating eternal refugees. Do you think the Jews should have just committed suicide?
  11. I see the UN created a partition with two states. The Jews accepted it. Multiple Arab countries immediately attacked.
  12. Not that crap again. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anti-Semitism hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
  13. Israel wasn't even founded until 1948.
  14. Hope springs eternal but we need to be realistic.
  15. We've now established that you can count.
  16. You don't get it. His previous supporters hate him now for FAILING to protect Israel. It's a war time unity government now but after Israel crushes Hamas, Netanyahu will be shown the door and you can bet the house the new leadership will not be peaceniks. It's like you're living in an alternative reality and fail to grasp what happened.
  17. You're tripping. A two stqte solution is even more remote now. Netanyahu is toast, but there is zero chance that Israel will elect a dovish government probably for generations.
  18. Hamas ideology is to kill all Jews. Including Jewish babies. They are barbarians already regardless of what percentage of the Jewish babies they murder are mutilated or not.
  19. That is totally ridiculous. The US needs another war like a hole in the head.
  20. You might not be but I think the comparison has resonance. I reckon most every Jew in the world has at least some kind of personal connection to recent victims of the Hamas terrorist scum. My sister informed me of one today. Not anyone close but it still makes what's going on more real. The point of those numbers is personal impact to masses of people. Most Americans did not have a personal connection to the victims of 9-11.
  21. Exactly. We're witnessing a Hamas apologist / supporter vile game. When any details about the mass murders being reported anywhere turn out to be false, then their perverted game is to make the public question whether any babies were killed, whether there really was a mass massacre at the music festival, etc. Don't fall for their crap.
  22. Yes. A very perverted reaction to.pure evil. I recently watched a pro Hamas video in Madrid of the crowd chanting Gas the Jews. That's the kind of terrorist and pro terrorist scum we're dealing with.
  23. I call BS. There have definitely been many pro Hamas posts.
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