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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Don't be naive. Different things but perceived by the majority of humans as the same thing.
  2. I get what you're saying. If I go to an "ethnic" restaurant features of that ethnicity there besides the food are a feature, not a bug. On the other hand, perhaps the issue is the surprise about the decent dominance of the Russkie brigade in that area. I remember during previous Russian boom times in Pattaya, the baht bus drivers started to speak in Russian, not English.
  3. Not at all. Unless to people that incorrectly think all "white people" are one thing. The dominant ethnicity in Russia is Slavic. They see that as a race of course. Which makes the Russian war of genocide in Ukraine Slavs against Slavs. But this story is about a black guy from the UK.
  4. I agree that you should do research and have plans. I left with much much less than that 20 years ago and now my net worth has almost doubled. He definitely has enough money! But anyone might fail for a wide variety of reasons not necessarily related to money.
  5. Some FACTS for you. Don't melt. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/aug/10/ron-desantis/transition-related-surgery-limited-teens-not-young/ You know what's sick and evil here? Your lies.
  6. Gender affirming SURGERY on underage people is extremely rare in the US. You're on a wild eyed crusade about something that barely exists! That is insane. You may as well be getting hysterical about kitty litter toilets for children in schools which doesn't exist at all.
  7. Flora and Son Charming uplifting and gritty Irish confection.
  8. Transphobes aren't interested in education. Their thing is demonization and persecution.
  9. I know the history. It's history. Currently the trump maga fascist party is largely based on white resentment.
  10. Such surgery for UNDERAGE is extremely rare in the US. Clinics are not back street. Stop the lying.
  11. So much lying and fear mongering from the rabid transphobe community. In the US underage gender affirming SURGERY is extremely rare. Of course hormone therapy is done when appropriate after professional screening. The vast majority of people who have transitioned are happy with the decision and have no wish to reverse it. The small numbers of cases of regret are blown up by right wing zealots as proganda tools. While gender affirming care for underage is not to be taken lightly for those that do need it, it prevents depression and suicide
  12. You've been out of the loop. There is international sharing. If you don’t tell them they'll know you're lying. Brave new world.
  13. Yeah if we're taxed as residents we should at least be able to buy into the Thai health system.
  14. She will regardless of what rabid nasty spirited pro gun right wingers might wish. She led a long and purposeful life. A life that well deserves to be celebrated. Not saying she was perfect. But she wasn't evil like Trump and Putin.
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