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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Come on man! Do you actually think the Israeli government now at war with Hamas and justifiably so has any intention at all of murdering everyone in Gaza? If so, that is just stupid.
  2. How much would they get paid for the same work in Isaan? I picked up your antisemitic trope BTW.
  3. Of course they don't and they won't be either. Israel will be going after everything Hamas. Sadly it will be impossible to avoid civilian casualties. But the ridiculous hyperbole that Israel intends to flatten Gaza is simply idiotic.
  4. I call B.S.! The original founding of the State of Israel was based on a partition of TWO STATES. Israel agreed. The Arab world attacked.
  5. If they were taken accidentally, they would have better prospects. As in my previous post I don't know if they were targetted intentionally or not. In the past when the Hamas terrorists have taken hostages it was very few people and they demanded a massive price for release. With so many hostages now, we're in an unprecedented zone, and it's very hard to predict the odds of hostage survival. They will of course be spread out and used as human shields. That's how Hamas rolls. So if you're religious probably time to pray for them.
  6. I wonder if the Hamas terrorists have intentionally captured Thais or if it was more situational. Israel needs foreign workers the same as many countries. The workers that the Thais replaced were non-Israeli Arabs. While the workers are obviously there for the salaries, attacking Thai workers is also an attack on the Israeli economy. Who is going to make a deal if there is one to get the Thai captives back? Israel or Thailand?
  7. Seriously now antisemitism comes from many sides. The left, the right, and Islamist.
  8. Well I hope that nobody is suggesting that ALL leftists are hypocrites about Israel. Many are. Many aren't. I think it's wise to take each issue that comes up separately and judge on its specifics. An example of the many are situation. A while back at at least one gay pride parade a Jewish gay group was banned from participating because of their display of Stars of David. Not the Israeli flag. Just Stars of David.
  9. Yeah it's weird that western Israel demonizing leftists don't get that. There is nothing to celebrate or romantize about Hamas
  10. Israel does not intend to "flatten" Gaza. But now that this has happened Israel has no choice but to attempt to completely destroy Hamas. With all the hostages, that's not going to be easy or quick. Hamas was smart to take hostages. To those that think you can negotiate peace with Hamas a force dedicated to Israel not existing at all, that's like thinking you can negotiate with Putin.
  11. Another one broadcasting the antisemitic trope that Israel is equivalent to Nazis. I don't recall the French resistance massacring German civilians at a music festival or breaking into houses to murder and kidnap random German civilian children. Hmm. Americans with minority opinions are free to speak and protest. Contrast to residents of Gaza that oppose their own government.
  12. Apparently the fundamantalist Hamas terrorists are not music fans. They want war -- they've got it.
  13. So far it doesn't appear that he is seeing such writing. It's impossible to know the outcome in 24 at this point. The incumbency gives a great advantage regardless. But Bill Maher is usually right.
  14. Bull. Democrats can and do discuss actual alternatives to Biden Most democratic prefer that Biden doesn't run but if he insists he will still be supported.
  15. Chomsky is a brilliant linguist. Beyond that, his opinions about the Israeli Palestinian conflict shouldn't carry any special weight.
  16. Yes of course but you can add to your limit as needed without having to tie up a bigger balance permanently. If a person was spending big very often on it then that would be different. But an occasional top up as needed seems much better to me.
  17. Different people have different emotional reactions to different countries. There are no absolute right or wrong answers for such questions.
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