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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Chomsky is a brilliant linguist. Beyond that, his opinions about the Israeli Palestinian conflict shouldn't carry any special weight.
  2. Yes of course but you can add to your limit as needed without having to tie up a bigger balance permanently. If a person was spending big very often on it then that would be different. But an occasional top up as needed seems much better to me.
  3. Different people have different emotional reactions to different countries. There are no absolute right or wrong answers for such questions.
  4. Well I doubt they would go birther on her, she's clearly a Chicago native, but definitely the Trumpist maga fascist echo chamber of lies is already fully onboard with the absurd belief that she is a man (and Barack is gay. etc. etc.). What's (not ha ha) "funny" about all these Michelle Obama and Oprah theories is that are coming almost exclusively from republicans. Democrats know full well that neither of them is interested. But Newsom. Yes, he's ready should Biden drop out in some way.
  5. What would any country do in response to the attack by Hamas?
  6. Were the Israeli civilians the Hamas terrorists grabbed out of houses throwing rocks at them?
  7. I stand by my post. Suggesting that the US shouldn't have diplomatic relations with one of its closest allies is patently absurd.
  8. Silliest question I've heard in a long time.
  9. Well I have an opinion. I think this time that Israel will make the horrible choice to not prioritize their survival. It's not like in the past when it was just a few people. Hamas might think they can get what they want with these hostages. Israel can't let them do that.
  10. I have visited the Philippines. My conclusion was that I could live there but Thailand is better. Yes different people have different reasons why they prefer one country over another. But I'm always interested in backup options to Thailand and I think it's wise for all expats anywhere to have backup options. Again I really do believe people can learn a lot but obviously not everything about specific destinations on youtube.
  11. I'll try to clarify. I don't want to move to the Phillipines. After my first trip I don't even particularly want to visit it. But I recognize it as a viable and OK backup option to Thailand. My current list also includes Mexico and Cambodia. If I got close to being close to actually deciding to move to the Phillipines of course I would then want to do boots on the ground research in my top two choices there. Iloilo City and Baguio. But my point was and I really believe this is that you can learn a lot about destinations you haven't visited on youtube.
  12. His problem now is explaining how Israel was caught by surprise this time. How did Israeli intelligence miss this?
  13. Massively unlikely actually. Michelle has no interest. Newsom is interested of course but only for the top of the ticket.
  14. No doubt but any Israeli leader demagogue or not would be expected to make very similar strong statements in the wake of such an invasion by Hamas.
  15. For me the Philippines are one of my backup options to Thailand. I've been there once. Manila, Cebu City, Bohol Bantayan, Dumaguette. I prefer Thailand. My top two choices now if I did move there are Iloilo city (top choice) and Baguio. But after watching scads of videos of those two places and others I don't feel a need to visit. Correct or not I feel that I understand what those two places are like and also their pros and cons without actually visiting.
  16. That's where I go for objective reporting. Hamas TV.
  17. I understand being critical of Israel but the obvious cheerleading for this aggressive attack by Hamas is rather nauseating. Usually coming from leftists the types that Hamas would want to kill.
  18. If Hamas is targeting civilians then yes terrorists.
  19. Not the Jews. The state of Israel.
  20. Thanks sis. Obviously the peanut gallery here doesn't know what happened, but as you can see in my previous post, I was already skeptical about his so called confession. Confessions under duress especially when there is a language barrier are common in many parts of the world. It's much much easier to just instantly "solve" a case than to actually solve it (which is hard work and often never gets solved). Add to that that he is gay and a foreigner and it's even easier to pin it on him. It is fair that he is a suspect because he was on the scene, and more often than not it's the closest people that are guility. But not always! As far as the HIV thing, not sure of that came from the police, the "press", or both, but keep in mind this is also a very common manifestation of homophobia, to see a physically ill gay man and just mindlessly label it HIV. Again it's easier that way. As I said before I hope he gets a fair trial, and if what you're saying is the truth, I don't see why he would need to be subject to a trial at all.
  21. Trend now is for Dumagethians to move to Iloilo City.
  22. Perhaps because lovely ganja cures everything.
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