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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It means exactly the same thing as couldn't care less in actual usage. If you can't process that that language has oddities, I could care less.
  2. First time. It's obviously a campaign event. What's your problem with a campaign event? Again it's not only about Michigan but yes Michigan is a very important swing state. Hillary Clinton made the fatal mistake of not doing enough to win Wisconsin. No democrat is ever likely to make that kind of mistake again.
  3. Yes, I did mean Newsom. He's the only one that would meet the description of star. I'm ignoring the silly Michelle Obama is going to run stuff. That's almost all from republicans.
  4. No. You know that too. Why the play dumb charade? Americanism Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Maybe Brits don't get sarcasm? ‘Could Care Less’ Versus ‘Couldn’t Care Less’ - Quick and Dirty Tips
  5. Uncle Joe has a long history of being pro union and pro workers rights. Of course he wants the votes of union members and workers nationally. It would be weird if he didn't. He make a great contrast to tax cuts for the rich, fake populist, demagogic grifter Mr. Trump.
  6. It's an Americanism is all. I grew up using it and I like it.
  7. So Meestur, you say you're a Thai national? So where are you REALLY from, Meestur?
  8. No. I'm just being true to authentic Americanisms. If you don't like it, I could care less.
  9. I don't take any such polls seriously at this very early stage. We don't even know who is going to be nominated. Trump is under indictment on 91 felony charges. While most of those won't be resolved before the election, some will, and his odds of acquittal on all charges is very very remote. How will non maga facist republicans and independents react to a candidate headed to prison that can't even vote. Also, Trump clearly is very unhealthy and has brain processing problems. His brain farts get more scharty on a daily basis. Biden on the other hand, unfairly labelled as having dementia without any medical evidence, when such a case could easily be made even more so for Trump, is also at an early stage of the nomination process. He might be bluffing a run to avoid being a premature lame duck. He might have a health crisis. There is still PLENTY of time for a democratic STAR with landslide potential to get the nomination instead. Caring about polls at this stage is purely inside the beltway type stuff.
  10. When I first saw the headline here, I thought it was about sex toys.
  11. I could care less what Thigh people call me. White people's problems, innit.
  12. He wants to cut off funding to his multiple prosecutions. His cult thinks he acts in America's interest. He acts only in his own interest. The greatest grifter the world has ever known. Make it stop.
  13. No. He's definitely afraid now. Also, the Georgia case can't be pardoned at the federal level. I said this many months ago -- the main reason he's running is to dodge prision. Also the main reason Putin will keep his genocidal war going until the US election is his hope his good buddy Trump is elected.
  14. Why would you respect a genocidal dictator? Ukraine could be whatever you think it is but Russia had no right to invade.
  15. No worries. They can clean their poopy pants in all the washers they've stolen from Ukrainian civilians.
  16. It's well beyond that. Israel has technology the U.S. wants and vice versa. Israel is one close ally the U.S. has in the Middle East. That is strategically important to the U.S.
  17. I would say yes to maga republicans. But you can call Israelis fascists too. Nazis are a very specific subset of fascists.
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