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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yeah but those that flee need to have a way to support themselves, not to mention visas. They're not all IT whiz kids. Which does indeed mean in many countries there will be an increase in Russian overstaying and illegal working. A good percentage of course just run out of money and go home to who knows what.
  2. This is one of my favorites this year. I recall mentioning it myself here before, but I could be wrong. In any case, what a delight!
  3. Good luck to this restaurant venture. I'm in it for the food. If a place has a theme like this place, you're paying for that, and you can't eat it, so not for me unless the food happened to be exceptional.
  4. and hopefully his downfall, it can't be soon enough!
  5. It's not an easiest time to be Russian, but it's much less easy to be Ukrainian.
  6. As far as number of countries, I think you're right but most are not countries that attract tourists, even Russians. As far as the most desirable countries for Russians to visit (western Europe), they are not welcome.
  7. Yes and no. It's a fact that many Russians will not be honest with you about their actual views in this historically heated global environment. You're probably better off looking for non verbal clues about whether they seem like a Z fascist type or not. Also the majority of Russians are aggressively apolitical and that includes the majority of draft dodgers who aren't fleeing to oppose Putin, but to (understandably) save their own skin. I sympathize with your idealism and I've had the same experience of foreigners incorrectly making assumptions based on my nationality, but there are practical limits. There is a war on. I don't think neutrality or being apolitical isn't defensible any more than it was during WW2.
  8. Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakstan, Armenia, Serbia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Dubai
  9. So a Russian flies to Thailand and that helps Putin's war machine? How exactly? I can see tax the airline might pay on profit but other than that isn't their money going to Thailand? Some of the Russians are tourists, some of the Russians are fleeing, very few of them are active anti-Putin dissidents.
  10. Not really. Nations almost always make foreign policy decisions based on national self interest. If you don't know that, you really know nothing about such matters. You're obviously a pro Putin propagandist and you're trying to sell a narrative that is obviously false that Thailand supports genocidal war criminal's war of choice. Nope. It's just self interest. In that I don't blame Thailand for being neutral. I wish they had a higher calling and opposed evil in the world, but that's asking too much. They're acting normally. Note they are being careful not to cross any lines that would invite secondary sanctions. Again -- basic self interest.
  11. Successful incumbents are generally nominated by their parties often without serious challenge. Democrats though like everyone else see Biden as on bad side of old generally view Biden's performance as president as successful. Not overwhelming success but good enough to renominate. Obviously if he backs out which he might, many worthy democrats will step up to compete. Only he knows if he's bluffing this run in order to avoid being a premature lame duck.
  12. Don't be so obnoxious. Just because a person doesn't buy your pro Kremlin lies doesn't mean they haven't studied the history and situation. I have personal roots that are both Russian and Ukrainian. You're on the wrong side of history just as Nazis were. Thailand's decision is obviously based on economic self interest. If the west decided to play hard ball and extend sanctions to "neutral" countries, Thailand would likely have an attitude adjustment. I'm not suggesting that the west do that though.
  13. Crowds aren't votes. The Trump movement is a CULT. Biden is just a regular president. Recent polls show the opposite of what you assert. Polls | FiveThirtyEight It is true most people don't want a Biden Trump race. We don't know yet whether that's what we'll get or not. But if that's the contest, the vote is for democracy vs. fasciscm.
  14. In fairness, if they did, they'd be in jail in Russia with long prison terms.
  15. Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting for their survival. Russia is fighting for Putin's dream of restoration of a mythical Russian empire.
  16. Their economy is in the toilet thanks to their war of choice, so given that, the numbers are quite impressive. They can't go to western Europe which would usually be very popular.
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