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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He should but he won't and that's a shame. If it was a normal citizen he would. So Trump gets a special break yet again.
  2. I read your POV (and others similar) as a bizarre and incorrect PROJECTION of western right wing politics (for example Trumpists that love Putin because of his support of "traditional" values) on Thailand. That's just totally wrong and pathetic. But I guess for many expats it's to their benefit to have a huge exploited underclass in Thailand. Keeps the labor cheap so we can enjoy and afford all kinds of "services" that we can't back home. Not exactly a morally defensible position, is it?
  3. I wouldn't trust that criminally corrupt grifter as president of my condo board.
  4. The idea that you can have a "final" analysis of the Ukraine - Russia war at this time is laughable.
  5. Delivery only. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063615640112
  6. Your words. Not mine. The priority of every decent American citizen should be to preserve American democracy and to try to prevent a fascist takeover.
  7. Currently the president does not have the power to do what he's promising. He wants to change that and start a presidential dictatorship.
  8. That's what he promised. Don't blame me. Blame the wannabe fascist dictator.
  9. This mirrors a propaganda tactic of the Kremlin. Truth is not knowable. May as well not even try.
  10. It doesn't get any lower than blowing up the constitution and executing people by order of a fascist dictator without due process.
  11. He's easy to read. He just saw a popular with the right wing movie about this topic. It's to gain support.
  12. Yes, the U.S. is certainly not a DIRECT democracy. It's democratic constitutional republic. Meaning it's a representative democracy. The idea is to make progress over time. The current fascist Magadonian republican party is taking the country rapidly backwards. This needs to be fought aggressively or much more will be lost probably permanently.
  13. Yeah, there's that right wing conspiracy theory again. Who could it be? Lizard people?
  14. I don't condone stealing but it can't be denied that the price of cannabis buds in shops is too DAMN HIGH!
  15. So you're against civil rights? Most decent people wouldn't admit that. Newsom was specifically a pioneer in marriage equality. He is very straight himself. He's be running first for the democratic nomination. Democrats appreciate a civil rights leader and the majority of all Americans do support marriage equality.
  16. Yes, Newsom would be a leading choice because of name recognition, ability to raise a massive amount of money, and being a pioneer in the LGBTQ civil rights movement. But that doesn't mean he'd be the best choice. Some names: https://www.businessinsider.com/democrats-candidate-president-2024-joe-biden-2022-7?op=1 Personally, I still like Amy Klobuchar, and being a midwesterner would help pick up states that a Californian wouldn't help in.
  17. No, There is plenty of time. Gabbard is no longer a democrat. Pay attention.
  18. No of course not Hillary, and if you really think the democrats don't have anybody else, I have to assume you know nothing about American politics.
  19. He is wired for self destruction and if it was anybody else, they would have been locked up long, long, ago.
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