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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Oh you mean that weird one sided love affair that elevated the status of Kim with the US getting nothing in return.
  2. Yes, a presidential dictatorship, the end of democracy, and Trump as Il Duce for life probably followed by Don Jr. North Korea style.
  3. He is a threat if he runs third party aa far as tipping a win to Trump.. He's no threat to Biden's democratic party nomination.
  4. Did I say nobody? I obviously meant the appointed senate, etc.
  5. I wonder if Putin's charming cut off of grain shipments from Ukraine which will starve Africa and other regions came up. I bet the house it didn't.
  6. No on three out of four: Malaysia -- My 2nd Home financial requirements throught the roof. Applications are down dramatically. Vietnam -- No retirement visa and there never will be. Retirees don't want a life of visa runs into their dotage. Cambodia -- Still health care not good enough.
  7. Well at the very least it's set up so they don't get a PM they really don't want, and Pita fits that bill.
  8. Sounds like you've been influenced by Kremlin propaganda. Putin's biggest chance is to last until the US election with Trump winning.
  9. Agree to disagree. https://www.nationalmemo.com/kremlin-2656987132 Kremlin-Style Propaganda Now Defines The Republican Party
  10. International Living's main focus is Americans and Canadians retiring abroad. That's a specific kind of expat.
  11. I get it. For some reason you don’t want to hear that many Americans mostly Trumpist Republicans and now also this RFK JR loon are directly and explicitly parroting Kremlin talking points.
  12. Well then don't say Russia Russia Russia which is a phrase completely linked with Trump.
  13. Yes they're a profit seeking company. The way I see it is that retirement abroad media which has become massive on youtube should be seen as a way to get ideas. You can actually save a lot money this way. Hear about a new destination? Research it online first and then if you're still interested do the needed step of boots on the ground research. For example don't waste your time and money with a destination you don't visa qualify for!
  14. You're arguing about an established definition of a word. That's absurd. Perhaps this will help you out. If you can't accept the actual definition you might use the phrase hatred of Jews, Jew haters, etc. Instead. Those will be understood the same way. Glad I could help
  15. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/anti-Semitic https://forward.com/opinion/382967/ashkenazi-jews-are-not-khazars-heres-the-proof/ Back at you ... anyhow there is nothing one can do to make the blind see..
  16. The above post is garbage. The definition of antisemitic refers only to Jews. Look it up. The theory of the European conversion cited above has been debunked. Not that it really matters if it was true. Genetically Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, Palestinian Arabs, and Italians all have middle eastern markers. Of course RFK Jr is running for US president and talking total BS about Ashkenazi Jews. Most American Jews are indeed Ashkenazi.
  17. Oh please. Serving as Obama's VP for 8 years would tend to mitigate any such gaffes. It's funny not ha ha that the most enthusiastic promoters of RFK Jr. are not democrats.
  18. Any particular party can only run one candidate for president and one candidate for vice president.
  19. There are cheap places to live in Panama but most expats wouldn't want to live there. Such as the city of David. Overall Panama is more affordable than Costa Rica.
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