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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Thailand is part of Russia's global south strategy on their genocidal war of choice. Lavorov doesn't make policy but he has been a respectable foreign minister in the past. That has changed as the policy he needs to defend has become so evil.
  2. What Putin does is show the next step that American fascists like Governor DeSantis will head to if they aren't stopped in time. Hopefully all LGBTQ Russian people that want to escape have that opporunity.
  3. Yes but the longer this lasts their forces grow. Also fake democrat RFK Jr is also a Putin apologist or worse.
  4. Contact the pageant owner then. I'm sure she'll appreciate your narrow minded anti trans dogma as she's a trans woman herself.
  5. Corrected to the nests. If you kill some on contact with spray they won't be alive to spread the gel to the nests which are hidden. Also gross but don't clean the dead ones. The live ones eat them. You don't actually need bottle caps. They just make cleanup easier. You can apply small bubbles directly to surfaces.
  6. No! Don't do the spray.. Do the gel only. The spray defeats the purpose of the spray. They bring the gel back to the nests. Less is more!
  7. It does. So what? Again, the pageant allowed transgender women to enter and that's what the winner did. She entered. She won.
  8. Losing the war will mean the end of Putin not just his ego. But he might craft some B.S. situation where he can claim victory to his own people. Losing Crimea would make that much harder though. Putin has every motivation to keep fighting, and Ukraine has every motivation to keep defending.
  9. Kind of like all wars until they end somehow. Of course nobody knows how long this will last. Ukraine could win if the west committed to helping them win. They haven't gone that far yet. I also don't know if they ever will.
  10. She entered a competition open to transgender woman. She's a transgender woman. Your complaint if you insist should be with the pageant owner, not her!
  11. As far as Ukrainians go, as long as it takes. Their nation is under existential threat. If Ruzzia wins, they will go into guerilla warfare mode.
  12. I know this isn't what you asked but I wouldn't recommend either of those. What I do recommend is buying cockroach GEL (on Lazada) and to place very small amounts in bottle caps around the infested area. Number of caps depending on how bad the infestation is. It really works and the results are quite rapid.
  13. Cisgender men were not allowed to compete. Transgender women were. The winner doesn't deserve the abuse she is getting. If you want to complain, contact the owner of the pageant who set the RULES.
  14. I assume it asked you identify verifying questions. That information is from credit reports.
  15. She is very pretty and very feminine. She entered a contest legitimately according to the rules. Does she really deserve all this HATE?
  16. What about booking hotels with a debit card? My understanding is that when you book with a CC hotels put a decent amount of money on "hold" until you settle on checkout. How does that work (or not) with a debit card?
  17. I realize that you have a very rigid agenda, but the fact remains transgender people DO exist, regardless of whether you acknowledge that reality or not. Trans People Have Existed For Thousands Of Years And Other Things You Should Know About Trans People (buzzfeed.com) Trans People Have Existed For Thousands Of Years And Other Things You Should Know About Trans People
  18. Uncle Joe isn't on cocaine but I don't think such an attack really hurts him. Magas if they believe it are already beyond redemption and if anyone else believes it it sounds kind of cool.
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