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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. A trans man attracted to men. In other words born female transitioning to male attracted to males.
  2. This is a hard question. You could develop a condition that would exclude you from decent coverage or coverage at all tomorrow. It sounds like right now you can have a clean application. If I were you I would do lots of research on the best agents and best companies and apply for the insurance. No guarantees but it would be a fair enough bet if your record is really as clean as you present it here.
  3. I call B.S. Saying "touching kids" is 100 percent definitely an insinuation of a man being a pedo. Readers aren't so dumb as to not catch that. Biden is an old school touchy feely affectionate man. He clearly loves and cares about people as opposed to Trump who clearly only loves himself and is one of the most despicable human beings the American culture ever harbored. Early in Biden's successful campaign last time, he was made aware of the sick attacks on his character and he wisely followed advisors guidance to tone that back. He did. This is not an issue except for Trumpists who would never vote for him anyway.
  4. Hi there and thanks for your continued interest in my adventures getting net access with Sims in routers. However, I have found that the 30 Mbps DTAC sim when combined with Proton VPN's torrent optimized networks has given me all that I need. Proton VPN also has an Android TV version which although not nearly as robust as the PC version has worked well with Stremio streaming (which accesses torrents). So as I now have an annual DTAC sim I'm at the if it ain't broke, don't fix it phase. There is a fair chance I might explore the Thunder for a future SIM but not even sure about that as the DTAC is working so well. So what if it gave me higher speed test numbers if it didn't give me more than what I have now, which is everything that I wanted with net access?
  5. Biden is a gaffe machine but insinuating that he is a pedo is an outrageous and false flame.
  6. Run Trump against him and it won't matter if Uncle Joe says he is Iraqi.
  7. Again cisgender is not a slur. If you're offended by it, that is really your problem. What does cisgender mean and is it a slur? | SBS News The word cisgender is not a slur, but Twitter owner Elon Musk has said it will be considered one on the platform. Mr Musk's comments come as online hate has massively increased on the platform, particularly against LGBTIQ+ and Indigenous communities, Australia's cyber watchdog said.
  8. Cisgender and Transgender: The Difference Explained (webmd.com) The vast majority of gay men are cisgender just as the vast majority of straight men are cisgender. What Is Cisgender?
  9. You can choose to be offended by any word you like but that doesn't make that word a slur. Cisgender is not a slur.
  10. Cisgender refers to both males and females. Apples and oranges. Is it that hard to learn the actual definition of cisgender?
  11. I think this issue is closely related to a theory of law enforcement that seeks to find future criminals before they commit any crimes and to then separate them from society. Following this topic suppose a person has never committed any IRL sex crimes but gets access to these kinds of AI photos and likes them. Of course if owning or distributing them is a crime, then that itself is a crime. But suppose it wasn't as no actual victims were involved. In that case the question would be whether to assume such people were going to commit IRL sex crimes later. Again, what studies have been done on this, if any? Arresting such people is kind of like arresting people for thoughts. Forgetting the pedo aspect which is of course very very hot button, do you really want to live in a world where your own private thoughts are criminalized? For example, it's obviously a rare human being that hasn't at least THOUGHT about murdering someone. Shall we lock everyone up just for thinking that?
  12. This is getting silly. Humans generally get their first impressions of people in seconds. I am not talking about running around and "hunting" for gay men.
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