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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Roy Cohn, Trump's mentor, one of the biggest villians ever, was a gay man too. Murray is a far right wing extremist and Fox "News" contributor. Of course you like him. It's hilarious how the right wing gloms onto certain token minorities that spew reactionary garbage such as Candace Owens. Cynical game.
  2. Don't play games. Sex/gender is the same thing on ID cards. Just how disingenuous are you willing to go? You're wasting people's time with such idiocy. You know exactly what this is about. It's about transgender people being allowed to change their government IDs. Yes of course they should. Sex work legalization of course is about everyone and most sex workers are cisgender straight women. But perhaps sadly depending on your POV, yes a lot of transgender Thais are sex workers along with the usual rent boys. I doubt rent a lesbian is a big thing, but why not? Why legalize? You'd have to ask the Thais but I reckon a lot has to do with getting more respect as workers and getting into the social security system, etc. I am not currently working as a prostitute in Thailand so I'm no expert on this. Medical care covers a lot of things. LGBT people have medical needs that other groups don't. I am not an expert on if they are often treated with disrespect as they often are in the west, but if I had to guess, I would guess that's an issue here too.
  3. Puebla and Oaxaca compete for the top foodie cities in Mexico.
  4. That's way too broad a statement. I would love for Russians to be forced to exit all occupied Ukrainian lands but I could give a toss what they think about it.
  5. The old homos are pedos canard directly comparable to antisemitic blood libel. The fascists have really gone big time on this hysteria -- suggesting Pride flags are grooming and 1000 other things they call grooming that are not grooming.
  6. I think it will always be needed. You can change laws but you can't force people to not be homophobic.
  7. Yes, also to the terrorist Proud Boys -- Stand Back and Stand By
  8. There are specific civil rights demands that have not been met. That's not silly.
  9. Such as watch this Depends on the specific families. Of course you have the freedom. What's a cult? Pride month? Having a LGBTQ identity? I don't think so.
  10. It varies country by country. The stated goals of Thai LGBT activists were seen in pride parade here. Marriage equality Right to change gender on IDs Legalization of prostitution Better access to LGBT relevant health care
  11. I'm not very interested in religions including Buddhism but maybe someone knowledgeable can answer. Is it true that many Thai Buddhists believe being gay or transgender is punishment for misdeeds in past lives?
  12. There are not many countries with full legal equality. It's not only about marriage. In the US the legal situation is going backwards rapidly thanks to the maga fascists. Hate crimes on the increase as well. The civil union vs marriage debate is ancient history in most places so won't dignify it. It's true other groups face hate crimes Other groups may have ways of expressing themselves such as Black History month. Other groups don't face what is very often a trauma and crisis with family, friends, co-workers etc. called COMING OUT. Pride is especially meaningful to people facing difficult coming out experiences. People are often forced out before its safe for them. Pride developed directly from the Stonewall riots. It is now a major International cultural political phenomenon.
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