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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It knows no bounds. Even in how their regime treats their own people.
  2. But it's overwhelmingly a white nationalist party now. Plus straight Christian.
  3. Pride is about LGBT freedom and civil rights. Even in the most advanced nations LGBT people still face homophobia even from their own families and certainly from religions.
  4. Definitely not a LGBTQ paradise. But well short of throwing people off buildings. The Thai LGBTQ civil rights movement is now working hard to bring about equality.
  5. Weird reply. I said he's smart enough to rebuff Nazi support, and that's your reply?!? He is a fascist. You don't need to be a Nazi to be a fascist.
  6. Long ago history. You won't find even one KKK that's a democrat now. There's your facts.
  7. Yeah, but I think DeSantis is smart enough to rebuff their support if asked. Trump would say -- some of them are good people.
  8. Reactionaries are nothing new in the world. Resistance to change and absorbing new information is par for the course.
  9. DeSantis is on record as saying his presidential campaign is about making America Florida. He must be defeated as must the grand maga poobah Citizen Trump.
  10. Hopefully you'll stop being so disingenuous and acknowledge that calling the GOP maga party a fascist party is not saying they are mostly literal Nazis. Of course they aren't. I think you well understand that you don't need to be a literal Nazi to be a fascist. Like DeSantis.
  11. There are still remnants of the old GOP but it is now totally dominated by the Maga fascists. There is nothing to wonder about. The GOP has become a pro fascist party. Will it ever backtrack from that and how long will it take? Impossible to say. I don't think that party deserves to even survive. It should go the way of the Know Nothing Party.
  12. It shouldn't surprise that a fascist politician attracts actual Nazis. https://www.salon.com/2023/02/07/florida-is-officially-a-laboratory-for-fascism-in-the-us/
  13. It's not all bad. Mexicans will be able to retire in the US ha ha.
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