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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This is giving a false impression. Cartel violence is a major problem in Ecuador. However Cuenca the most popular city for expats is NOT a center of cartel violence.
  2. Cuenca is in Ecuador. They have had very good local governments there.
  3. Responding to the weaponization of "woke" as an attack which was in your post that I was replying to. But I'm guessing you didn't watch it.
  4. Well not sure about cartels but yes crime has gone up in the most popular expat haven Cuenca. But they are working on it.
  5. Could be a problem for him. Protesters With Nazi Flags, DeSantis Posters Outside Disney World, Florida (businessinsider.com)
  6. Not what I said at all. Stop intentionally twisting what I said. Not about what trans can only be. Yes about flavor of trans right wing Fox "News" would feature. Got it now? Good. Howard Stern Rips Caitlyn Jenner For Being a 'Nightmare' (mediaite.com) Howard Stern Rips Caitlyn Jenner Over Recent Comments: She’s ‘Transgender People’s Worst Nightmare’
  7. He might get nominated if Trump gets sent to prison, but I think his EXTERMIST actions on abortion in Florida will probably be his undoing against Biden. Also polls show Americans don't care as much about his anti woke HYSTERIA as much as he thinks they do.
  8. Of course she does. She's a right winger. Duh. Do you think they'd feature a more typical transgender woman? Most are decidedly not right wing because the right wing is scapegoating them. Of course Jenner is RICH so she's shielded from the realities of most American's lives.
  9. I reckon most people know exactly what I was talking about. I'm not going to get baited into getting explicit. Next ...
  10. Why do you post fake letters? That story is charming and tells a good teachable moment story, regardless. Do you really believe the chopped down the cherry tree story? Gays kicked out of restaurants? Not common but it happens. I don't think its common enough for a president to have mentioned.
  11. The dam threatening a nuclear power plant should have been a red line. This is giving Putin the wrong message. He will go further.
  12. it is taught though whether you realize it or not I think most straight people are blind to it. Queer kids see it that's for sure. A contributing factor in depression and suicide. The knee jerk protect the children crowd doesn't seem to take protecting queer kids into account.
  13. Well I knew the marital status of every teacher I had in grade school, they were all blatantly admitted heteros, they rubbed it in our faces, and engagement announcements were also shared. I do think in later grades the teachers tended to be more guarded.
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