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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I don't believe this "massive indoctrination" actually exists to any significant degree. It think it's being whipped up hysterically by the right wing for political gain to have scapegoats as fascist movements always need scapegoats.
  2. I call BS. People are constantly acting like homophobia and transphobia are only about fear and they're not afraid of them. If they assert such ignorance a correction is in order.
  3. What you're doing is trying to blame LGBT people themselves for being scapegoated by demagogues. That's wrong. Learn from history. It is the scapegoaters that are in the wrong.
  4. Definitely. So no need for Straight Pride Month or Straight Pride Parades. When such things happen they are always about HOMOPHOBIA.
  5. Did I suggest bullying was OK against anyone? Do you not know what THIS topic is about? GEEZ!
  6. Boys don't stand out for being gender conforming. This is not that hard to get. But people seem to have a real problem grasping.
  7. Straight people dominate every country in the world, always have, always will. How many times does it take for you to get basic concepts? Or is it as it seems -- WILLFUL IGNORANCE.
  8. Sure people are bullied for a lot of things. But on the straight - queer spectrum, there is zero doubt which side is the target.
  9. Because straight months are every month. Can you try something more original?
  10. There is an article specifically about bullying of LGBT kids in Thailand in a non-approved source. In response to the member who incredulously suggests that doesn't happen here.
  11. I do not believe that non-queer kids are bullied for not being queer. Is that so hard to understand?
  12. There's that hostility again. Of course only equality is desired all year. Pride Months exists because equality exists almost nowhere. I just posted another item showing that Thailand is NOT an LGBT paradise.
  13. The dark side most f-rangs don't realize: Two-Faced Thailand: The Ugly Side Of 'Asia’s Gay Capital' | HuffPost The WorldPost
  14. I'm not throwing anything at kids. Stop lying. I'm posting on an expat forum.
  15. They deserve each other. But I'm worried Trump might get jealous.
  16. So are hetero cisgender kids bullied for being hetero cisgender? At least you admit queer kids are bullied here. Refreshing in the face of so much denial.
  17. Are you seriously concerned that everyone will be gay? Does being gay sound that attractive?
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