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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I don't think the Central promotion was wise but it is hardly preaching. When a school holds a dance and assumes all the couples will be heteronormative, is that preaching?
  2. Kids aren't flipped. They will grow up to be what they are based on their inner nature. Being exposed to the existence of queer people doesn't make a kid that will grow up straight queer. And vice versa.
  3. The reactionary protect the children at all costs brigade almost never consider protecting LGBTQ children. They generally don't even acknowledge that they even exist.
  4. My thoughts. Probably ill advised from a PR pov from central. The Pride for all signs were lovely. Obviously the Kids Pride thing will attract reactionary attention I'm assuming mostly from westerners. But the fact is there are many kids today that organically identify as gay or ladyboys etc. Not because they were recruited. Because that's how they feel. Obviously they may grow up differently. But regardless it is a positive thing psychologically for them to receive supportive messages from society that they are OK and valued whatever they are. That sort of thing does for a fact reduce depression, poor self esteem, and suicide in LGBT youth. But it was still probably not a great idea for Central to do this. Comforting messages of you're OK regardless can come from other ways and for the sake of LGBTQ youth hopefully do. Another thing. If a message is above a kids current understanding they tend to just filter it out. Like take a kid to a sophisticated movie with adult level themes most often they will just be bored.
  5. Yes and not to forget they have correctly stifled an understable taboo and are once again sending tanks to fight Russia, but this time on the ANTI genocide side.
  6. Exactly. But he was kind of implying that even though I'm obviously f-rang that the charge was based on destination not race or nationality. Do I believe that? Not really. But its an excuse that might soften what is really happening. To add to the fun going to 10 grams they raise the absurd price even more.
  7. Sorry if modern people are parading around in Nazi kit, seig heiling, and promoting murderous hatred against the same historical targets they are still Nazis. Not in that historical regime but still Nazis. I would agree not to label non Nazi Identifying fascists as Nazis though.
  8. I will add that definition of a holocaust survivor can be difficult. It is definitely not only death camp survivors. Also yes of course as they are all old now it won't be very many years until there are none.
  9. Now this takes the hash cake! Getting a quote on Line for a from the farm order. I asked how much for shipping. I was asked where I live in Thailand. I was quoted a ridiculous price of 150 for 5 grams! I said that sounds very expensive shipping. I was told they charge more if shipping to a "tourist" area. Isn’t that hilarious? Not exactly double f-rang pricing but a funny variation on it. I guess it doesn't matter if the tourist area person has lived here for 20 years. I didn't dare ask if they apply that to Thais in tourist areas. So tip if you live in Pattaya. Say Banglamung. Maybe that would fool them.
  10. Hurry it up. We want there still to be a Ukraine to join. If genocidal war criminal Putin has his way the Ukrainianian nation will be obliterated.
  11. I'm a behind the camera sort of operative.
  12. Happened long ago. Just a joke. Give it a rest.
  13. Good question. Normally the VP pick has minimal effect on the results. But this time VPs will be more important because of the old age factor assuming it will be Biden v Trump again.
  14. Again. He was clearly joking around. Geez!
  15. They actually do good unlike tax cuts for billionaires by the previous criminally corrupt insurrectionist grifter. Recently blocked IRS funding that would get large returns by auditing more rich people. Republicans magically discover deficits only when they're out of power. Epic hypocrisy.
  16. It was in the context of a previous Biden Trump presidential contest. Biden was correct to suggest most blacks were better off voting for him. That was the obvious subtext of the joke.
  17. He actually has but you're obviously just biased. https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/oct/19/experts-say-bidens-achievements-are-similar-to-rec/ • President Joe Biden’s achievements in his first two years are roughly on par with other recent presidents, though they are less extensive than those of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson, experts say. Biden has signed several major bills and used executive orders to achieve key policy goals. • The big difference for Biden is that he’s had to work with notably smaller margins in Congress than almost any other president in the past century. • Despite Biden’s accomplishments, Democrats haven’t been touting them very much on the midterm campaign trail.
  18. Biden will perform fine until he doesn't. Then we get an unpopular but still perfectly fit, sane, pro democracy, and competent VP Harris. Trump on the other hand is likely to pick a VP as anti democracy and batty as he is. So they aren't equivalently bad.
  19. Christie is the only one really opposing trump. All those other fakers should get out of the way and give Christie an actual shot. Otherwise they're only serving the nomination to Trump on a golden platter.
  20. Another pov about gender affirming medical care.
  21. False accusation. I was responding to a post which introduced the disgraced former president.
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