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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yes and other people are allowed to point out opinions infected with bigotry.
  2. For acamic interest the problem was actually pain not the runs. I know. TMI. Wouldn't order again.
  3. OK I had one incident which totally was my fault with my macho chili head hubris. This was at a trendy Korean place in the US all ethnic Koreans other than my table. They had spice level choices. So for my dish which had a broth I chose the hottest without batting an eye. Called something like Suicide. Well golly be what a scene! The chef came out twice to warn me against it telling me nobody had ever actually ordered it before. I persisted. I was made to sign a legal disclaimer. So at this point everyone in the restaurant is already staring. So the dish comes out and it's super wicked hot as expected but I liked the overall flavor and no problem to eat it. I'm sure they really gave me the Suicide as it really was that hot. The staring Koreans were less impressed than thinking me crazy. But I didn't have the last laugh. Stomach pain issues won't say more.
  4. Yeah as a matter of principle I've never sent back a dish for being too spicy and yes it happens occasionally.
  5. It's been standard for many years for there to a cutoff date. If you had posted here beforehand you would have learned about the need to apply early.
  6. It's not a problem. All citizens are allowed to apply for permits to hold public events.
  7. Yes they do say that. They're not always right but they're not always wrong either. But they are trying to sell legal services.
  8. It's a very rare incident that should have zero impact on policies. Someone ran their car into a building. Let's outlaw cars.
  9. I like Black History Month etc. as it wasn't taught in schools. But not everyone does including some black people.
  10. So let's erase, demonize, and outlaw cisgender males because after all almost all the rapes ever done in the world have been done by cisgender males.
  11. I get your argument but I don't think it is nonsensical at all. There isn't one office that won't do retirement extensions at all even if some might have outlier rules. This is a special case where some offices won't do these conversions AT ALL!
  12. The restriction is now up to the 8th grade with a practical reality of being up to the 12th grade as any bigoted parent can sue over anything LGBT they define as "age inappropriate" for massive financial damages. The fascist DeSantis has effectively ERASED LGBT students, teachers, parents, and history in Florida schools and the movement is spreading rapidly nationwide. As I noted before this anti LGBT DeSantis fascism is so extreme that even an OPTIONAL advanced placement course on LGBT history was nixed by the Miami school district because they correctly understood by doing it they would have been probably been sued by bigots. I don't like that the school district did this but they and all schools in Florida really have no choice -- they can hardly afford the damages from these bigot lawsuits.
  13. Yes but the word has been perverted so much by the right wing grifters that it's really not used any more in the original meaning.
  14. I would be surprised if the anti LGBT brigade didn't come out on any topic like this. They always do! But it still annoys me when they post obvious homophobic garbage and play act that they aren't homophobic.
  15. He's right for the wrong reasons. He would love it if it he could take credit for it.
  16. Some anecdotes. If you can communicate this in Thai or English if they understand, it tends to help: I will not send back the food no matter how spicy! That's what they're really worried about. Complaining f-rangs insisting they redo the dishes and costing them money! One time this happened. I asked for phet phet at a shophouse restaurant probably for a krap pow. They served me a plate that was piled high with bird <deleted> chilies as a prank. Nobody wants that Thai or f-rang. So they were all staring and laughing at me. I said nothing, picked through the food enjoying some of the chilies. I was sweating bullets, but I just paid and of course never went back. Thinking about that considering the huge amount of bird <deleted> chilies they used they must have lost money on that sale. Serves them right.
  17. It is not new and it is not only about Thai food. It's even more of an issue with Indian food in Thailand. As I'm a spicy and chili head I have a lot of experience with this and bottom line there are no easy or universal solutions. Sometimes I ask for extra spicy and sometimes I say nothing. Some will automatically go bland because you're a f-rang and some won't. Some respond to requests, some won't. I've had Indian restaurants serve me bland city after I asked for spicy and I ask them did you not hear me?!? And they say yes we heard you but we didn't believe you. Maybe next time we'll listen (there won't be a next time). A big problem with asking for spicy on some dishes is that almost always they will make ALL the dishes spicy even dishes that aren't supposed to be spicy that you don't want spicy. I've had cases where I don't ask for spicy and the food comes super spicy by default and I wonder what it would be like if I had asked! Obviously if you're a regular at a restaurant you have a chance to "train" them over time for what you really want. Oh well.
  18. I guess I'm saying I feel sorry for expats that expect this service to be done and then discover that they won't do it. I don't blame them for expecting it. It would be a reasonable enough expectation but unfortunately the reality is that people's expectations in this case won't always be realized. They may say no. They can say no. So for people that learn this, be prepared for that.
  19. Right wing bigots that buy the fascist garbage from DeSantis about protecting children somehow seem to forget that there are many LGBT students, teachers, and staff in schools. Do they care to protect LGBT students, kids with LGBT parents, etc. from depression and suicide for being made INVISIBLE by the state? This movement is trying (mostly successfully) to ERASE the existence and history of LGBT people, including living ones actually at the schools. It is fascist stuff Putin would love 100 percent. Just imagine if the fascists were doing the same thing to Jews and maybe, just maybe, you'll understand how evil this is.
  20. I am not making a moralistic argument. It's great when they will do this service which apparently will be most of time at most offices. They obviously CAN do the service. I am just saying they really aren't obligated to and if they refuse I don't think there is anything you can do about it.
  21. I do believe that you're correct! But she could take the sales money, export it, then reimport it, and buy another condo if she really wants a condo.
  22. The proof is in the pudding, my dear, when you see offices refusing to do these. Do you think there is something that will force them?
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