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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Something's fishy about this. A goal of 2028? They aren't even in power yet and they're talking so long term about what is going to happen in say 2027? I wouldn't bet the house on this. Promises are free. If they're serious there is no reason they can't act on this quickly IF they do form a government.
  2. Takeover. https://thepattayanews.com/2022/07/04/thailands-leading-network-provider-ais-announces-its-takeover-of-internet-company-3bb-at-32-4-billion-baht/
  3. Tycoons. Schmycoons. Move Forward. Schmove Schmorward. Geeze Louise. Make up your minds. This all is clear as mud. They have a good thing going. Let's mess it up. That's the ticket. Send me a memo when I need to flush my stash down the toilet. Don't want to wait till the po-po comes knocking.
  4. That's one link. Go ahead and look into the many others. The overwhelming consensus you'll find is that there is no good reason to hold it in and there are good reasons not to. I won't burden myself further on this.
  5. Believe what you want. I'm not interested in arguing. Refer to the lung as balloon model in this link. If you research this you will find an overwhelming consensus suggesting short holds. But you should go deep. https://potguide.com/blog/article/how-long-should-you-hold-in-your-marijuana-hit/
  6. You don't "fix" the constitution by executive order. That's the way of fascism.
  7. Trashing the constitution LOSES votes among decent Americans, traditional conservative republicans, independents, center right suburban women, etc. in the general election. But he's running for the maga party nomination now.
  8. Doubtful. It's a low priority issue. Immigration in general is a big issue, but the birthright part is not.
  9. Trump isn't people. He leads a messianic fascist cult movement that will destroy American democracy if he takes power again. I hate him like I hate Putin and Mussolini. You're not going to convince me to stop hating such evil dudes with your dime store pop psychology, so don't even bother!
  10. I do hate Trump. Why would any decent American not hate Trump especially after January 6? But this isn't about that. It's about promising to trash the constitution. Not OK.
  11. Decent Americans care very much about respecting the CONSTITUTION. Trump does not. That's disgusting.
  12. The constitution can be changed by the amendment process. The amendment process is very hard to do and can take decades. I seriously doubt there is the political will to start an amendment process over a rather tangential issue as birthright citizenship. I get that this is just red meat campaign stuff for Trump's maga cult followers. I doubt he's going to get many extra votes based on this issue.
  13. Different countries. different laws. The US constitutional provision for birthright citizenship is hardly universal. It makes sense for a country of immigrants or at least it made sense.
  14. He cares only about himself. Taking power again means he can dodge prison.
  15. Funny Trump doesn't want to trash the 2nd amendment. To the majority of magas the constitution is ONLY the 2nd amendment!
  16. No. This is a potentially huge international industry for Thailand. They will blow it entirely with this narcotics classification. Taxation normalizes it as any other commodity. Your view sounds very self centered.
  17. Don't go to such parades or other public events where flesh may be shown, ... or the freakin' BEACH!
  18. What's wrong with a special interest group voicing their opinions to legislators? Sounds normal to me. Recriminalizing weed would be a huge mistake.
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