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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. A forgotten gem about celebrity. Better than the trailer indicates.
  2. You're forgetting or don't know about WW2. It was the right wing America First antisemitic fascists that admired Hitler and opposed entering the war. Yes they were called America First. Trump copied them. Of course progressive FDR knew that the US must be involved. Not saying FDR was perfect. Just refuting your point. It depends on the war. Of course the Bush invasion of Iraq was a massive mistake. But getting involved in WW2 was a necessary war as is supporting Ukraine against the genocidal fascist dictator Putin.
  3. That was funny. Good to have a sense of humor.
  4. Something more unifying. A JFK Memorial day speech. A president that enjoyed bipartisan support.
  5. Trying to defend trump or play acting that its normal for such a man to appear to be the inevitable challenger to the incumbent President is way beyond putting lipstick on a pig or shall I say "pig". It's more like dressing a cock-a-roach in a tuxedo. Donald Trump Ripped Apart For Tone-Deaf Memorial Day Message (okmagazine.com)
  6. Fight for equal civil rights which yes, is a global struggle.
  7. Fascist dictators can first be elected in democratic elections. But in the case of Trump I say take power because I think his most likely path to taking power again is: Losing the election Claiming he won Staging a successful coup (OR) inciting civil war
  8. Trumpists ideology is following Trump. Remember the platform of the 2020 republicans? It was 100 percent fascist. Nothing about policy. It was whatever Trump says. This is not the American way. The maga fascist cult likes Putin because they get that Trump likes Putin. He takes power again and our fragile democracy will be murdered.
  9. Exactly! Normalizing the trump situation insults the honor of all the war dead throughout our history.
  10. Yeah if the maga fascist Dear leader had broadcast a normal and dignified Memorial day message you wouldn't hear one peep of an objection to that being shared. Such transparent hypocrisy.
  11. Yeah I arrived in the Haight after the Summer of Love had become the winter of discontent but there were many remnants. It was great to see the Dead in their earlier days.
  12. A random. Door Dash driver would be better than Trump. Trump is one of the worse human beings the USA ever created.
  13. My parents are at Arlington Cemetery my Dad being a WW2 greatest generation vet who helped beat the fascists. They would both appreciate that President Biden was there to give that traditional Memorial day speech instead of the maga fascist who he beat and must beat again to save American democracy from American fascists. Slava Ukraini.
  14. I call B.S. Trump is Biden's likely opponent. So they will be compared. That's how it works. One normal. One insane. What kind of country would choose insane?
  15. Yes if a student handed in such an item the teacher would be obligated under law to call in the authorities for immediate psychiatric screening.
  16. To bring this message home, if you smoke or vape weed hold it in for only a second or two. Holding it in longer offers you no benefits and some downsides.
  17. But it is AIS now correct? What package do you have?
  18. So apparently 3bb is now AIS! Of course TOT is now NT. A delicate question, but has anyone had any problem with any specific provider if you download torrents? What's the minimum speed to stream on a program like Stremio? I assume any current service will do youtube OK.
  19. Yeah yet another covfefe moment. In a normal country, just that one post would disqualify a person from any public office.
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