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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I got further details on this incident (the victim didn't actually threaten anyone physically or verbally) and am now of the opinion that this was definitely murder and they are undercharging. Yes he was a total mess and making people uncomfortable. That isn't even enough to justify touching him. I still think the intentions were probably basically good but incredibly misdirected. It's racial in the sense that it's a verifible fact that much of the general public feels threatened by black men in ways they don't feel threatened by white men. I doubt with the same behavior that a white man would have been murdered.
  2. That it stays in the system is a feature not a bug, but a problem if you have to get drug tested.
  3. Good idea. Get full spectrum CBD oil. That does contain a little THC but not enough to get you high.
  4. Sometimes it's fun to watch an old movie that's kind of bad in a good way. Nostalgia for boomers. (Better baked.)
  5. Not really. But if the fascist party forces a debt default crashing the dollar, the stock market, and global economies, now that will be a big issue.
  6. I went to college with elite preppies from such schools. They were into much harder drugs actually.
  7. Eurovision 2023 Grand Finale NOW! Liverpool Standing in for Kyiv
  8. In general I don't think dumping the dollar is something that will happen quickly. More like a long term trend. The current debt limit crisis is definitely worrying in the short term.
  9. Vaping weed in a dry herb vape is not as unhealthy as smoking. Also to note there is no need to hold in the smoke or vape.
  10. No but I did experience negative effects of Cannabis Use Disrorder in my youth but we didn't have that description back then. I think cannabis should be legalized everywhere but I recognize it can be abused and is especially not great for youth.
  11. I see this as being good for people that both love and hate musicals.
  12. It seems to me that's a disservice to those that want to enjoy their ganja in moderation.
  13. Trump is currently running for the republican nomination against other Republicans. There are plenty of Republicans who are considering voting for someone other than Trump. But for some very sick reasons Trump does seem the inevitable nominee.
  14. The republican party the party led by fascist trump is not fit to govern.
  15. Yeah that's kind of what I thought. So if he risks a jury he'll have to hope at least one juror ignores the instructions. It happens.
  16. Depressingly fascist Putin loving Florida man's words have real world life and death consequences even though he holds no office. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/12/politics/trump-ukraine-russia-warning/index.html "CNN — Donald Trump may have just put Ukraine on the clock. The ex-president’s refusal to say whether he wants President Volodymyr Zelensky to win the war after Russia’s unprovoked invasion – along with his absurd claim that he could end the conflict in 24 hours – escalated the prospect that Ukraine’s destiny will rest in the hands of US voters next year. The Republican frontrunner’s comments, in a CNN town hall meeting in New Hampshire, was the latest sign that the politics of the war in the US could become more strained as the 2024 campaign ramps up, creating new pressure on Zelensky’s coming offensive to deliver a decisive blow in the second year of the conflict."
  17. I agree it wasn't intended. His problem now is about the details of the New York law and whether the jury instructions allow considering intentions. If not it might be smarter to take a plea deal. Believe it or not I have sympathy for the accused. No good deed goes unpunished.
  18. The point is to try harder to avoid to kill people unless it's legit self defense.
  19. Racists felt they could be more open about it but that hasn't really stopped. His fascism has inflicted a very long lasting social infection.
  20. Depending on his story and the evidence he has a decent chance of acquital by a jury. But sorry civilized societies of laws can't condone vigilante justice. A man is dead. That deserves the law's attention.
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