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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. As he said he needs to be charged. But whether he needs to be convicted or not is another question TBD.
  2. Tragedy for the victim. Tragedy for the accused. I assume he was trying to do a good deed. But it backfired. But he still must be charged.
  3. My understanding of this event was that the deal Trump made including allowing the CNN host to fact check and question him. Otherwise as he didn’t face any Republican challengers and had a super friendly audience it would have just been another fascist trump propaganda rally.
  4. I want to point out the obvious because some people don't get the obvious. Jews or really any group of people are not a monolith. In this story you're hearing about some specific Jewish organizations having a problem with this sale with the reasons given. It does not follow that all or most Jews would feel the same way.
  5. Alcohol is very physically addictive. Weed when addictive is much more psychological. Alcohol is massively more of a threat to public health than weed.
  6. You can abuse anything. You can abuse milk. Cannabis carries much less risk than alcohol. Keep it legal.
  7. You can know that Putin stole Crimea and more recently invaded Ukraine trying to capture Kyiv and happily failed. Now it's a different kind of WW1 style war. You can know that neither Ukraine, NATO, or the USA invaded Russia. Your POV reflects typical Kremin propaganda -- truths can't be known.
  8. Consensual? You know better than the jury, huh? This was a civil case with a lower bar than a criminal case. Chances of a successful appeal are very remote.
  9. Putin has openly stated that he can never accept independent Ukrainian national identity. To Putin Ukraine is Russia. He stole Crimea in 2014 and fomented regional struggles in the east. NATO is a DEFENSIVE force. It has never threatened the sovereign borders of Russia. The more recent Russian invasion of Ukraine which continues to have genocidal intentions was a war of choice by Putin. He foolishly didn't understand the resolve of the Ukrainian people, their desire to be independent of Russia, the strength if their distinct national identity, and he predicted NATO including the U.S. would easily cave (as they did regarding Crimea). He made a big mistake. Ironically probably the biggest contributor to the strength of Ukrainian national identity and the expansion and strengthening of NATO is Putin himself! Some people like Trump call him brilliant. Not so much. His actions result in the exact opposite of what he wants.
  10. So help educate people to use wonderful ganja in moderation. Sorted.
  11. Biden has been a great leader in the struggle to defend Ukraine against Russian aggression. Trump worshipped Putin and still does. Putin help get Trump elected. That kind of thing is very important to Trump. Bolton sheds light on why Putin didn’t invade Ukraine under Trump (msnbc.com)
  12. That would be a much bigger punishment for Putin. Trump would be with one of his top heroes. Putin would be with a useful idiot who he has zero respect for.
  13. It would probably be some kind of pan western Marshall plan type of thing. If a big if Ukraine can definitely win and realistically that could take years the rebuilding of Ukraine will likely make it the place for non Russian global movers and shakers to be.
  14. Its in the US interest as well. Compare future worlds where Ukraine is a slave puppet state of Russia vs. one where Ukraine is a sovereign nation integrated into Europe which is what the people of Ukraine clearly want. Ukraine global breadbasket free to ship all they want on the black sea vs. having every movement dictated by mother (f) Russia. So Crimea must be Ukrainian. If Russia wins only naive fools thinks delusionally imperial Russia stops there.
  15. Stop mansplaining what I am or what my world view is.. It is both wrong and massively obnoxious.
  16. Disagree If you get a visa without qualifying there is definitely corruption involved.
  17. Disagree If you get a visa without qualifying there is definitely corruption involved.
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