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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. That's a lot. But more practically you change your Medicare address through Social Security and when doing that they won't allow your Social Security and Medicare address to be different.
  2. Not sure if everyone needs to visit death camps but I think everyone should be educated about the holocaust in schools. There is tons of evidence about it including film records and vile holocaust deniers need to be aggressively rebutted. Even more so going forward as the last of the survivors will soon to be gone to give live accounts. I did visit Dachau at age 15 and it was very moving.
  3. You can find a general answer to your questionably sincere query at this link at this header. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust Who were the other victims of Nazi persecution and mass murder?
  4. Dumb lady but I suggest not giving her any more attention than she's already getting.
  5. It is true that those on retirement status are on a one year lease. Which means limited long term residency security if rules or personal circumstances change and no path to higher status. The Thailand retirement scheme is very good and doable for most middle class foreigners. But it's temporarility is its biggest downside. Many other countries offer much better residency security to retired expats even paths to citizenship.
  6. There's that of course but perhaps it's more about the recurring membership contract.
  7. These guys are persistent! 68 Baht phone "power buy" page https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091957445031 Real Power Buy page https://m.facebook.com/Powerbuythailand
  8. Yes, it's mostly been white nationalists by far. Putin basically wants to help divide the US to death but frankly we're doing that very well ourselves without foreign assistance. But in any case by all means go after these vile Putin's poodles of all colors.
  9. For your consideration https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091621191081
  10. To add there was a tie in to Amazon that was interesting. One of the qualifying questions to begin to play the contest was have you ever bought anything from Amazon. There was an explanation given for why some almost free phones were available. https://www.samsung.com/uk/support/mobile-devices/customer-warning-samsung-lottery-and-samsung-job-offer-scams/
  11. I'm not really asking. I do wonder what exactly they are doing. Is it only about selling the recurring charge membership or deeper?
  12. Well yeah you could. Years ago I was living in a very old urban building in the US with an impossible roach problem. I bought some kind of African frog and gave it water but not food. That frog got very fat!
  13. On my facebook today a contest where I can "win" a high end new Samsung for 68 baht. On the ads are many real life testimonials of people saying I didn't believe it, I thought it was a scam but I got the phone! The testimonials were pretty convincing, so I thought what the heck, I will play their game and see if I "win" the almost "free" phone. Surprise! Surprise! I did "win" a 68 baht phone. But to even get that far I needed to give my name and address (uh oh). The game is all in RUSH RUSH (you're on a timer) mode which is of course very red flaggy. Then after I "won" I then had to pay the 68 baht by credit card. That's where I hit a brick wall. Reading lower there was some vague stuff about a repeating charge subsription (in Euros) thing you were signing up for, a "membership" of some kind. Needless to say, that's as far as I went. 68 baht for your thoughts?
  14. Some comments. Roach motels / traps will only work on lighter infestations. They will not solve more serious ones. That earth and Boric Acid are available on Lazada. Borax is not the same and not as good. Roaches are not attracted to Boric Acid, thus the sugar. But wait. Many roach "communities" have evolved to avoid sugar. So best to experiment with different kinds of bait added to the poision. Also roaches are "suspicious" of large piles of bail. They are more likely to go for more naturally small portions. Not saying they are suspicious like humans, talking about evolution. You can also use a very light almost invisible spray (like from a plastic ketchup bottle) of boric acid only with no bait in traffic areas, crevices etc.. They walk over that and spread the poison to their buddies. They avoid large piles of it. You should use a mask when spraying it. They also eat the dead ones and get the poison that way. But really GEL is best! I have used it in bottlecaps in all the likely areas bathroom, kitchen, other cabinets. under/in appliances especially fridges etc. How many to use? The heavier the infestation, the more small doses more closely spaced. You don't need to use bottlecaps but it saves the mess if just squeezing it around without them. The optimal dose is like a pea size. If they eat that, refill. It's really the best. I've read try the GEL cure for two weeks. You need time for the roach babies to eat the poisoned roach poop. Then after that if you see any roaches, do another two weeks. Then spray in some kind of repellent. For example lavender oil diluted in water sprayed in their habitats. Repeat that periodically as a prevention measure. I've talked about the earth and Boric Acid, but I would suggest just starting with the gel. The Boric Acid if they like your bait (check youtube for varied recipes) will take at least a month to work and it may not really work. The gel will! So why not skip ahead to the best? GEL! A much cheaper roach kill gel on Lazada that definitely works: Search: Cockroach medicine Cockroach gel Cockroach killer Kill cockroaches No cockroaches
  15. Magas obsession with charging democrats with "grooming" almost always falsely revealed as yet another case of projection by the fascists. There is no level of low they won't go.
  16. Restrictions on guns actually is constitional but the fascist Republican party always opposes any restrictions.
  17. So if Putin declared the SMO over with all the stolen lands frozen, Ukraine is supposed to agree with that? Good luck with that noise.
  18. These fascist Republicans are much further to the right than the majority on this and so many other issues. Someday hopefully they will pay in elections. The culture wars things are cynical diversions for them as they have no interest in addressing substantive issues.
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