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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not correct. The fare is 10 baht all the way to North Road. But if you want to pay double, by all means do so.
  2. I think people can be confident at least for the major offices that they follow the clearly written law saying TWO months before the application date.
  3. In defense of could care less. From an American media source, of course. He's big on the sarcasm angle, as am I. But really you don't need to feel bad if you want to use couldn't care less. The real reason people say “I could care less.” (slate.com) Another amusing thing about all this is the common British misconception that Americans don't get irony or sarcasm. Yet it seems to be the Brits here most outraged by my defense of the American sarcastic use of could care less. So who doesn't get sarcasm then snookums?
  4. It actually IS an American usage which has been well documented here already. Think more carefully before spewing specious insults.
  5. Any bank anywhere will be in trouble if there is a run on the bank caused by panic, justified or not. In the case of SVB it was justified.
  6. You've got the 800K part reversed. The 800K needs to be in for TWO months before the immigration application date and THREE months after the extension is approved. For the rest of the year, the balance can't go under 400K.
  7. Barron is the only one of his kids that might still have a soul.
  8. Obviously my position isn't that could care less is THE American usage, but rather that its AN American usage. It would be impossible to really know what percentage of Americans that use either phrase favor could care less, but I think there has been a good consensus that I agree with that the could care less usage is more common in the US (and based on something I have read Canada as well) than the UK. Cheers.
  9. I would be surprised if it wasn't could care less on Seinfeld. As mentioned before the influence of Yiddish grammar mixed with sarcasm is one theory that I personally think has at least some merit. That influence is apparent on Seinfeld. You should be so lucky. Now this is interesting. Suggesting could care less (used with a sarcastic tone) is OK in spoken English but not OK in written. One might argue that posting online is an INFORMAL use of English as well. "I couldn't care less" vs. "I could care less" : Pardon the Expression | Vocabulary.com
  10. Another source confirming that both usages are correct and mean the exact same thing. Also that could care less is much more of an American usage. This person is skeptical of the sarcasm theory for the development of could care less in the US. The influence of Yiddish grammar is mentioned which is fairly significant In American English. She's right that once lots of people hear a certain usage a lot they tend to repeat it. She's also certainly right that could care less annoys certain people (in my view to an irrational degree).
  11. I suppose it depends. Best to pop them an email and ask. Many years ago I got a tourist visa at the Thai embassy in Buenos Aires. Dealing with them using English wasn't a problem at all.
  12. The comment section on this video is hilarious! My favorite is from an American who argued for couldn't care less on.a school playground and was beaten up for it. Brits -- I imagine it's hard losing your empire, your Great Queen, and now having an economy weaker than Russia because of your moronic own goal Brexit. But sorry, you lot don't own global English usage. Take that on your biscuit and smother it with gravy.
  13. You're wrong. But no immunity will be offered so there is zero chance the grifter will come in voluntarily.
  14. Couldn't care less and could care less are casual idioms that mean the exact same thing. If you fail to understand that, that's your problem.
  15. Thanks for all the replies. Can someone please check the map I posted in the OP to confirm that's still the location? To add my battery is still usable but clearly in the decline phase. I may as well check the new models similar to my current phone to see if there is any compelling reason to upgrade.
  16. Well fair question. I assume phone manufacturers would much rather that everyone with a weak battery buy a new phone. Perhaps they have a cut off date for stocking batteries for older phones. They're not in the businesses for their health. Of course trendy youth want a new model every year or so. When I told the sales lady at the shop what model I had she seemed kind of disgusted like it might have cooties. But obviously that's the place to go but you don’t know until you do.
  17. To reduce risk of explosion / fire. I would never go anywhere but Samsung for this.
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