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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Cubans are coming here? News to me.
  2. Exactly. If you've got any kind of defensible argument that you're really a US resident, this poll is most definitely NOT about you. Not sure what I could have done to make that more clear.
  3. Maga man's first criminal indictment is coming soon. The first one is always special. But dollars to doughnuts it won't be his last or most serious. The Putin loving insurrectionist buffoon thinks running for president will protect him. I reckon he's taken in a good supply of diapers by now.
  4. The kind of thing a tin pot tyrant would do. DeSantis is a full on fascist in every way. If he gets power he may be even worse than Trump as he's not an insane clown obsessed with his own personal grievances. What happened to the republican party?
  5. A sophisticated amusing story of a fat gay writer in Madrid.
  6. The thing about Trump is that he's obviously Putin's poodle. The obvious subtext of Trump's bogus peace plan is that he would blackmail Ukraine by saying we will cut off military aid if you don’t cave in to Putin. Biden would never do that unless forced to by pro Putin Republicans in congress. The American republican fascists relate to authoritarians like Putin for very perverted reasons. Decent pro democracy Americans must continue to support Ukraine in its existential struggle to save their country while at the same time battle the fascists within. A very tall order.
  7. All these types of issues are clearly diversions done only for political gain and to avoid bothering with addressing actually serious issues like health care, housing affordability, economic inequality, gun violence, etc.
  8. You see your residence as ambiguous. This topic really isn't for people that are unclear which country is their principle residence though. I believe the vast majority of American expats know which country they live in. There are always grey area cases with any issue. I do think Thai immigration policies are irrelevant on this though. Doing 90 day reports here has nothing to do with how US government entities would judge your residence country either way.
  9. I agree. Its a comfort level thing. Also about risk tolerance and arguably morality. I'm quite comfortable doing this with banks, etc. It just feels harmless. I would have a much more difficult time doing it with SS and Medicare. Especially if combined with using Medicare Advantage. I think it's interesting that this option exists but requires a rather significant deception.
  10. About the poll results so far if they reflect reality I am surprised at the low percentage using US addresses. I would have guessed about 40 percent.
  11. A separate topic but many expats internationally have encountered US financial institutions that are hostile to expats. So faking US residence is a very common tactic. But as pointed out on the topic about Medicare Advantage faking US residence to SS and Medicare is at a higher level of implications than to financial Institutions.
  12. Not approved by Ukraine so all those stolen lands are still Ukraine. The two sides are nowhere near a possible negotiation.
  13. Is she willing to give up her imaginary governorship of Arizona? I predicted this here long ago. I would be surprised if he doesn't pick her.. MTG would upstage him. It's not like any respectable politician would even want it.
  14. It's hilarious to me that these God botherers think today's 15 year olds are innocent babies.
  15. Well that isn't true. I just used it a few days ago with my usual Thai address. There are harder rules now for setting it up initially though.
  16. Well not if you had said yes. It's common for expats to be faux US expats to smooth things out with financial institutions, etc
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