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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. What's more much more is that this indictment is only the beginning. But he can still run for president and incite his cultists to terroristic violence
  2. These will be felony charges with the possibility of four years in prison but prison not required. But if convicted some prison is likely. These are not bail eligible offenses. Explained here.
  3. What's really a shame is having a brick wall in the brain preventing people from understanding that both usages are correct. You have a problem with this? Take it up with Mirriam Webster. Or. would you rather just whine about the Big Dict lobby? https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/could-couldnt-care-less Correct Usage: Either
  4. They actually are. See link above. To insist the way your prefer is the only correct option is both wrong and obnoxious.
  5. Both are actually correct as I have documented. Or maybe I've been taking the p--s which the terminally literal would insist must involve actual urination.
  6. Is it possible to be creepy and nice at the same time?
  7. My older but still great for me Samsung phone is getting to the point where the battery needs Viagra, so instead of being a typical conformist consumer, I'm thinking, how about a new battery instead of a new phone? So I asked at the Samsung shop in Central and they said the service center can do. But can they really? Has anyone done that there? I assume they don't do it on the spot and you need to leave your phone for later pickup. For how long? Do you recommend removing your Sim card for security? Is it still located here?
  8. Just as Brazilian Portuguese is clearly much cooler than the stodgy old country version.
  9. I really could care less that the very charming use of could care less triggers so many people. I like the reasons of SARCASM and that could care less obviously SOUNDS better. In my cultural experience, using this idiom is usually related to sarcasm. I reject the explanation of lack of education as in my experience highly educated Americans often say could care less. Perhaps I could convert some of you to the SUPERIOR option? Wouldn't that be better than setting yourself up for a lifetime of HURT? Of course it goes without saying that I could care less if you're some kind of masochist. Is It Could or 'Couldn't Care Less? | Merriam-Webster
  10. Look at the wealthy Trump adjacent people that have not avoided prison.
  11. There are some Advantage plans offering travel coverage all year. Watch the video. As far as showing evidence on sign-up of the stated US address the video is addressed to expats living outside the US and only the need for a US address is mentioned not evidence needed. Maybe you're right about that. However I agree overall this is not a good idea to pursue especially from Thailand. People in Mexico are more likely to have more connection to their US address than in faraway Thailand
  12. Not Cuban food and also not particularly dangerous.
  13. I'll always regard Mormonism as a cult and not a religion (no coffee) but hot damn if Mormons aren't the nicest folks you'll ever meet! Inside look at Mormon missionaries in the UK. BBC doc The Mormons are Coming
  14. Where I grew up could care less was all I ever heard and everyone understood it. It's best to be tolerant of regional usage variations.
  15. "An idiom doesn’t need to make literal sense." https://www.righttouchediting.com/2021/04/01/usable-usage-could-you-care-less/
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