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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Well at SCB the letter shows the exact same balance which it must but statements show up to the previous day which doesn't matter.
  2. Most people use standard savings passbook accounts. I have even had a bank clerk remind me to do a transaction first but I already had. In general you don't need statements if your pass book copies show every transaction going back the full year. But you do if there have been any aggregated ones.
  3. OK, I get your question now. You would need to contact the broker in the video as a typical broker would have no idea about this issue (Advantage for expats). You would need to tell him your zip code and then he can tell you what plans are available for this goal. He will advise if using it for this to drop all other Medicare supplements except A and paying for B. Also note as he mentions in the video IF anyone has Part A but has not paid for Part B, they will first need to enroll in Part B and they will be subject to a PENALTY for each year they haven't paid for it. I have not contacted him but if you do (or anyone else for that matter) can you ask him if my assumption is correct, that his suggested tactic would be just as apt for expats in Thailand, etc. as it is for Mexico and Panama. If for some reason not, then of course forget about this idea, but as you said he suggests another option that may be of interest to many.
  4. Yes he talks about an alternative to Medicare Advantage that sounds interesting as well. Yet many expats do pay for Part B even though useless abroad so it sounded more exciting that there could be expat benefits with Advantage. I don't understand your latter comment. Yes with the required US address your US service area is determined. But we are talking here about getting value from this living abroad.
  5. Not sure why you posted like that. I don't have a US address on record with Medicare or Social Security. As stated, the U.S. address on record with MEDICARE is a REQUIREMENT to even get started with this. Now that the cat is out of the bag, the concept here is that the agent in this video who's an American expat in Mexico can steer people to a few SPECIFIC Medicare Advantage plans where expats can get these benefits. Not all plans. Not most plans. Some plans. He seems very confident that this is legit and would be valid claims if they meet the criteria which he details. Yes, it's complicated and I would agree skepticism is well in order for all of this! BTW. to everyone that feels compelled to tear this idea down, and that is perfectly fine with me if you do, please FIRST watch the video, so we are coming from the same place of understanding of what the issues are here. I will add for any people that don't already know. If you want to enroll in Advantage (which yes is generally NOT for expats) you must first enroll in Part B and pay for that which is now about 170 dollars monthly which is taken from your social security check if you have an active claim. As stated before expats without a U.S. address can enroll in Part B (but can't be used abroad) but a U.S. address is needed to enroll in Advantage (which also NORMALLY can't be used abroad but this video suggests that with the right plans in some important ways it can be used).
  6. OK. It's time to share what I'm talking about. Yes something quite new. You need to watch this video. I am assuming but not yet certain that this tactic would work for American expats anywhere even though they are addressing expats in Mexico and Panama.
  7. This is about a possible way to use part of Advantage without that requirement. But a US address is required. Have you claimed social security yet?
  8. I bestow the vomit award on him. He can kiss my grits.
  9. Such protest events have been held multiple times in Georgia where they are of course much bigger and involve actual speakers. I think foreigners protesting is illegal in Thailand and much as I like to see that, I think they'd be better off respecting local laws.
  10. Many of us use a Thai address for social security and I'm assuming those that do also use the same Thai address for Medicare (when over 65), OR vice versa, U.S. address for BOTH. But suppose you have both using your Thai address (as I do), but you only want to change Medicare to a U.S. address (like the address of a friend or relative)? Why? Well believe it or not if you use a U.S. address for SS and you're actually living abroad it is technically fraud and could potentially lead to frozen benefits. Of course many people do use a US address that shouldn't in order to avoid the "proof of life" letter thingo. I guess using a US address for Medicare could also be seen as fraud, but that's not what I'm asking here (yet anyway, first things first). Could you just change the Medicare address to US without changing the Social Security address? Or do you have to deal with SS to do such an address change in which case the different addresses obviously look very fishy? Also, if they were different (Thai for one / US for another), wouldn't Social Security discover that and possibly cause a problem? Why am I asking? You can have a foreign address and enroll in Part B Medicare but you MUST have a U.S. address to enroll in Medicare Advantage. Now why would an expat want to enroll in Medicare Advanage? Well, I recently found out there is a way to get SOME of the benefits of Medicare Advantage while living abroad (big ones actually) by enrolling in a few specific Medicare Advantage plans. Not all. Some. Amazing huh? But personally I have the problem of not having U.S. addresses with either SS or Medicare.
  11. No wonder the Kremlin thought that the USA was weak and wouldn't push back. They can see the kind of nut jobs that are actually given attention by a significant percentage of the population.
  12. So much for the republican fake love for smaller government. Smellier government yes they're on board.
  13. I always do previous day for many many years at Jomtien. Never a problem! However be sure to do a transaction on the day you get the letter.
  14. Well I've been there and didn't find it particularly thrilling. Also they use margarine in many dishes which I find both unhealthy and disgusting.
  15. Keep to the topic. Your personal advice is exceedingly unwelcome. https://www.salon.com/2022/03/18/dont-be-fooled-the-love-affair-with-putin-is-worse-than-it-looks/ Don’t be fooled: The GOP love affair with Putin is worse than it looks Never mind the opinion polls and the Republican posturing. When the right sees Putin, they want what he's got
  16. You're wrong. Their rhetoric is often identical. They actively mirror each other.. This is related to why many American fascists support Putin and don't want to help Ukraine. Before you continue with personal insults I suggest we just agree to disagree.
  17. Borscht is not hard to find here. Really good borscht is. Some people might think that doesn’t exist but I've had it but not in Thailand.
  18. Well the Republican party which controls the house of representatives has an anti LGBT legislative agenda quite similar to fascist Putin. They have been very successful in state legislatures across the country in republican controlled states which are many. Fascist demagogues need scapegoats. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/06/texas-gop-adopts-shockingly-explicit-anti-lgbtq-party-platform/ Texas GOP adopts shockingly explicit anti-LGBTQ party platform The state party calls homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle choice" and accuses LGBTQ people of "grooming" children.
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