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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Note that the antisemitic nature of attacks on Soros is mentioned in the yahoo article we're talking about. Charging me with inventing that aspect is just wrong. In this case, we're talking only about the use of the Soros code word coming from the white nationalist right wing specifically. The code words "Soros" and "Globalists" coming from white nationalist Super Magas in the US, Orban supporters in Hungary (they are allies) and other international right wing white nationalists, are most definitely antisemitic code words. Whether you call that simplistic or not, that is a fact. You can find thousands of links to document that if this is a new concept to you. If you're suggesting that Rittenhouse specifically is so mentally unfit that he should be given a pass, well, on that I will concede that could be possible. But Don Jr. definitely not.
  2. This isn't a court of law. It's a forum. Don Jr. played along. Surely you know that he knows the maga code words. Rittenhouse was obviously coached by some maga zealots and whether he understands what he's doing or not, he is still doing it. This is about code words from the right wing. Naming some right wing Jews is irrelevant. It's like trying to prove the maga party isn't white nationalist by naming some black Trumpists. It's sickening to me that you seriously felt I am somehow obligated on a narrow topic like this to mention all kinds of Jews. The topic here is right wing white nationalist code which is international now.
  3. Not that the maga fascists would care but that would be unconstitutional.
  4. It is a very nice place in the summer if you have lots of money. As far as your paranoid thought, a techer in Florida posted a picture of empty library shelves as a comment on the DeSantis policy on books. He had her fired. He's a flippin' fascist. That's not freedom. It's the opposite.
  5. Better have your papers in order or DeSantis might send you off the flippin' Martha's Vineyard.
  6. Too bad the always desired "pivot to Asia" is now trumped by the pivot to Europe.
  7. I think if China does this it is very bad news. It won't mean Russia will "win" but it will mean a great chance of a war of attrition lasting several years. The west will need to retaliate in some ways and that will hurt the global economy, maybe dramatically. Why would China do that? I don't really know but there is a theory that China would like to see Russia fall apart so they can land grab in Siberia. A quicker end to the war makes such softening less likely. In case a Putin apologist says if the west can arm Ukraine why can't China arm Russia? Because Russia invaded Ukraine, hopes to wipe Ukrainian national identity off the face of the earth (genocide), and Ukraine is fighting an existential war of defense. The only Russians fighting such existential threats are Putin himself and his closest cronies.
  8. Exactly. Liz Cheney is a conservative. Very conservative. The magas are most definitely fascist demagogues. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tucker Carlson are the nativist isolationist Henry Fords and Charles Lindberghs of this era. Substitute Putin for Hitler and you've got the whole story.
  9. You are extremely naive to suggest the super maga poster boy Rittenhouse and vile Trump son Don Jr. aren't well aware of one of the most widely used and notorious codes of that fascist movement -- demonizing Soros. I do realize Rittenhouse is quite dumb, but he's not that stupid either. He has been actively coached. Also, dude, look at the context, he wasn't talking about currency trading he was talking about funding progressive causes. The Troubling Truth About The Obsession With George Soros (forbes.com) The internet has once again exploded with a surge of social media posts about George Soros, with far-right activists and QAnon conspiracy theorists posting wildly imaginative claims related to the billionaire philanthropist. But behind the spectacle of paranoid outrage, there is a troubling and undeniable truth about the constant attacks on George Soros: Anti-Semitism.
  10. They were just local prosecutors doing their normal taxpayer funded jobs. But this pair of fascist bozos had to bring Jew hating into it
  11. I agree with you but better here than killing Ukrainians and or dead
  12. I am happy that Thailand is welcoming Russian draft dodger refugees even though they conveniently label them tourists
  13. I think he probably does have enough even with an early SS claim and a little luck. But as far a health coverage I still recommend Colombia over Thailand. Where he definitely has enough if he avoids Medellin, Bogota and Cartegena.
  14. No! You absolutely 100 percent CAN enroll and pay for Medicare Part B with a foreign address!!!!! If already on social security the fee is taken from your check. If not pay directly. If social security has a foreign address on record you must actively opt in. Contact Manilla FBU. Of course you can't use the benefits abroad but there is still a good reason to pay anyway. If you do repatriate there are severe lifetime financial penalties for each year you didn't enroll from age 65.
  15. Like Hitler's invasion of Czechoslivak to "libererate" the German speakers. Like stealing Ukrainian children that aren't orphans and brainwashing them with Russian propaganda. I could go on.
  16. Especially Canucks. Trying to push their real maple syrup and poutine.
  17. Of course based on Russia's geography people crave the beach but I think a bigger factor is favoring places where there are lots of other Russians for support and networking reasons.
  18. Who cares? Cruz is the most hated person in congress and that includes Republicans. That's quite an accomplishment.
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