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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. She's even worse than that. Yesterday she called for secession of the red states from the blue The south shall rise again redox.
  2. I guess what we're witnessing here is KDS. Kamala Derangement Syndrome.
  3. Like it or not Biden is running again and as the incumbent won't be facing any serious opposition for the nomination, if any.
  4. There's an organized process in which the U.S. comes to these decisions of charging war crimes. That process was followed as it should be with any administration. It's sadly obvious that some people can't be objective about this and get over their rabidly partisan bias. This isn't Harris or the democrats announcing this determination. It is the United States Government doing so. US Declares Russia Committed 'Crimes Against Humanity' in Ukraine (voanews.com)
  5. Great news! Ukrainian heroism plus Russian atrocities equals Western resolve. Putin is betting the west's resolve will crumble. Eat my grits Putin.
  6. Putin fans whether Russian, Serbian or American etc. are not communists. Rather they are fascists.
  7. Godwin's Law is excused because Putin really is like Hitler. 5 Frightening Similarities Between Putin And Hitler | by James Marinero | The Dock on the Bay | Medium
  8. President Jimmy Carter of Georgia is now in home hospice care. He's now more well known for his wonderful humanitarian works post-presidency than his one consequential term. Because of that I think he's the most beloved of the (still) living presidents. But I do remember the gas lines!
  9. Cock-a-roaches of the sea Lobster - From Prison Food To A Modern Delicacy - Seafood University (mylivelobster.com)
  10. It's incredibly difficult. People would never bother to do so about old age.
  11. I'm not suggesting it will get that bad. I'm thinking more in lines of illegal working, increase in scam schemes, etc.
  12. If you can't distinguish between medical research and weapons development nobody here can help you. Or more likely you're on here to intentionally spread anti Ukraine misinformation. https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/02/24/us-biolabs-ukraine-russia/
  13. Zelensky was democratically elected. The biolabs thing is Kremlin propaganda. The main reason most Ukrainians hate Russia now is Putin. They will hate Russia for generations.
  14. I don’t think it will take that long.
  15. Which goes to show not all Russians are IT genuises.
  16. In an open democratic primary without Biden I doubt Harris would win.
  17. He's healthy and vigorous enough to run and win and running and winning is exactly what he's going to do. It is true most democrats would like to see Harris replaced because her performance is seen as dissapointing. But it's politically impossible for Biden to dump her. She'd have to voluntary exit.
  18. Trump is still a factor. All he needs is about 30 percent of the republican vote which is about the size of his super maga base to win the nomination in a multi candidate field like last time. That is what's shaping up. He's favored to win the nomination unless prison gets him first.
  19. A funny little thing called the CONSTITUION. Next ...
  20. It wouldn't matter if it was Peewee Herman delivering that speech. Harris spoke truth and bottom line all Putin will ever understand is getting his white Russian dictator ass beaten to a pulp by the righteous Ukrainian defenders. Unfortunately, he still thinks he can win.
  21. Ukraine must win. Identifiable war criminals must be prosecuted. Russia must return the Ukrainian children they kidnapped. Russia must pay to rebuild Ukraine. Anything short of that gives encouragement to other genocidal terrorist states.
  22. Zero percent? That's absurd. Of course Trump would be the easiest to beat.
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