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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The Jomtien complex also has some worthy restaurants and an incredible French bakery that are draws for anyone. https://m.facebook.com/100063953205946/
  2. I didn't say I was offended. I was just pushing back from the picture that you were painting. You deny it but I call BS.
  3. OK for those that want to go to malls often Pattaya is better.
  4. Duh. Jomtien complex is gay. It's far from the beach. There are also straight nightlife areas in Jomtien and gay places in Pattaya. You seem obsessed with this. I guess some insecure straight guys might be worried to have people think they are gay if they live in Jomtien. That would be a very silly reason to avoid Jomtien though.
  5. Obviously people need to do their own boots on the ground research for any retirement destination.
  6. Anyway Jomtien is the much better choice for most retirees than Pattaya. Gay, straight, asexual whatever.
  7. What percentage of the area of Jomtien beach that runs many miles do you reckon is gay oriented. Answer. Less than one percent. Labeling Jomtien overall as gay is totally stupid and totally wrong.
  8. People taking about Pattaya 20 years ago don't have a clue.
  9. Exactly. Realistically you need local options. An exception for Americans might be Baja California near San Diego.
  10. Jomtien beach is huge. It runs for many miles. It is hardly an exclusively gay area.
  11. Depends how you define beat on either side. The truth is nobody knows the outcome of this war and whether it ends this year or lasts 100 years.
  12. Biden profiles in courage. Trump profiles in scourge.
  13. If he waits and his income is above 65K monthly he can use the income method but it's a pain in the butt because you need to have that showing coming into Thailand every month. Miss one month and no extension. Another big advantage for Colombia. Permanent residency after 5 years. Thailand permanent residency for retired expats NEVER.
  14. Well not exactly. There are a number of other potential democrats that didn't run last time. Most notably, Gavin Newsom, not a big fan myself but he'd be a front runner. He does have the advantage of LOOKING like a president. Americans like that kind of thing. But Biden is running this time. No doubt about it.
  15. Not only that, the republican party has for the most part become Trumpist. Nothing like the older style republicans like the older Bush. There are some that would be acceptable even to most democrats if elected like Larry Hogan, but they are so far down the far right wing rabbit hole, that such people don't have a chance to be nominated. The reason Biden is the strongest candidate is that he has been successful enough as president plus being the incumbent. If it was an open primary the democrats would have lots of competitive options.
  16. Bogota is much more dangerous than Manizales. Manizales has a sophisticated restaurant scene but would be a problem for Asian food. Modern malls too. I assume you have preexisting conditions. That makes private insurance a problem but you should research your specific situation for Thailand. The great thing about Colombia insurance system is that its private with strong government oversight. It will.likely cost less than 100 a month and everyone is accepted, as I said you must enroll. If you start young enough there are options with great extra perks but the basic coverage is still available older. Armenia if you want a smaller flatter city. Avoid Pereira. No need to put money in bank for visa. Beaches fly to Cartagena or Santa Marta.
  17. Yes the International food situation in Pattaya is excellent. On health insurance Colombia is much better. No issues with pre-existing conditions. All expats required to join. Low cost high quality their system has a high WHO rating.
  18. Come now. Take SS now. Don't spend down your nest egg! Jomtien is the best place to retire in Thailand. Many people here are not sexpats Don't listen to people with outdated understanding of Pattaya. But ignore my advice if you think you will have a very long life expectancy. If it's normal for an American man like about 76 or so or less then come now. Cut your ties with the US. Your 50k rental house idea sounds insane. That all said I think you would be better off moving to the coffee region of Colombia instead ASAP.. Like Manizales. You are probably young enough to get on their premium benefit health care system. You easily qualify for their retirement visa and you get permanent residence in 5 years. Low crime in the coffee region and similar prices to Thailand or less. Year round mild weather.
  19. Well he won't last forever and there's a good chance that whoever replaces him is even worse. It's not as if Putin goes and Russians dance in the street and instantly become the Netherlands.
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