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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I detect a tone of be irrationally overly fearful of Russia syndrome going on here. That's what Putin wants. To fall for that is a win for him. He's not going to use nukes. Their economy is much worse than they're telling you. Their losses are massive. Young people more and more are not liking this, even the ones who haven't left yet. Russia can't really win. What do they win? A land full of people that hate their guts. What they can do is destroy Ukraine and that's a tragedy.
  2. Interesting that you only mention casualties on one side. Hmmm.
  3. Yeah but have you noticed that many young Russians are saying NYET and voting with their feet (that's the only real vote they have).
  4. I don't really know. I wouldn't think of talking to Thai people about politics, theirs or ours.
  5. Agreed, so the west should start doing that yesterday.
  6. Half a million untrained drunks with no motivation to fight more like. But they are motivated to steal home appliances.
  7. That's a good question about the level of Thai Interest. I would say very little. Chances of formally offering asylum? Zero. Chances of labeling Russian draft dodgers as tourists? 100 percent. A silly premise about occupying Paris but true the west needs to ramp up weapons production not just send existing stocks
  8. The democrat running against him was poorly funded by the party because he was expected to easily win (it's a democratic district) so opposition research didn't happen. A stupid mistake be the democrats for sure. On the other hand the fact that the corrupt republicans refuse to kick him out is a gift that keeps giving to the democratic party.
  9. Biden at his advanced age took a crappy train 10 hours each way from Poland to Kyiv (yes in a war zone). This is bloody historic and the Biden haters, the US haters, and the Putin lovers have been humiliated so they really have nothing except empty vicious heckling.
  10. History is made. Biden in the role of FDR. Zelinsky in the role of Churchill. Putin in the role of rhymes with Spitler.
  11. Every candidate has liabilities. Old age is nothing new. It didn't stop Reagan and he had Alzheimers while in office. I get it that you don't want him. What's most important is to beat the fascist party and Biden as the incumbent has the best chance of that. Enthusiasm is not required. 270 electoral votes are
  12. I don’t know if you're American or not but any American with even elementary knowledge of American presidential politics would understand that when Biden runs for reelection not even one competitive democratic candidate will oppose him.
  13. Like you can trust Putin. Again the timing was perfect.
  14. No you don’t get it. He is running and the nomination will be a cake walk.
  15. The US is the leader of the west. Biden is the most important leader by far. Largest economy and military. The risk of assassination on such a trip.is high A US president being killed in Ukraine would have been world changing. Also the timing after one year of the war and upstagimg Putin's big speech soon was perfect. This explains the delay. If you just hate Biden and or the US then enjoy that.
  16. Those ginning up Putin's nuclear bluffs are playing right into his evil hands.
  17. Non Thai bank no. Try bringing the cash to the office and showing it. Not a great option but you could give the cash to a local with a Thai bank account and get them to pay by QR code.
  18. Didn't the publishers decide this? That's not the same as being forced to. However I did read the changes and find them ridiculous.
  19. Harris can run in 28 if she wants. That will be an open contest. Her resume is well known but she has been an unpopular vice president. Presidential elections aren't usually decided based on the VP.
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