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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. No but there's a rumor it will be eased which made Chinese stocks rally.
  2. Maybe he can tell them about how he totally messed up with his totally insane Zero Covid policy.
  3. Good question. From an American perspective, there is kids Halloween and Young Adult Halloween. Once you reach middle age, doing Halloween would be kind of embarassing.
  4. They aren't the only two but Brazil is an important country. Trump endorsed Bolsonaro BTW, which was no surprise.
  5. I think it's much more complex than that as far as what costumes really shouldn't be OK (there are very few). Jack the Ripper is a Halloween classic. Yes he lived a long time ago but he made an impression. Dahmer is an iconic mass murderer with very bizarre and gruesome details. It's obvious to me Dahmer will become a classic like Jack the Ripper. Several tv shows have been made about him. He also has made an impression. School shooters never will be. They just aren't very distinctive. They're ciphers. They're generic. Seen one, seem them all. I am a little torn on Hitler costumes. I actually think Hitler costumes might be OK in Asia but not in the west. The reason history of course but also there are real Nazis and Neo Nazis everywhere in the west (and Russia) so dressing as one is basically not exactly a costume.
  6. Watch his podcast in the "nightclub" on the grounds of his house and you'll get to know him a lot better. I think his show is more relevant than it's ever been because he's on a crusade to try to break the ice between the divides. It won't work but very few people are even trying.
  7. I get what you're saying about Lotus but I think you're off target. The first season was indeed perfection. There is no way they could compete with that at the same location and characters. Been there. Done that. Changing the setting and characters was obviously very intentional and in my view exactly what they should have done. So you watched the first episode of Season 2 as I have. They're introducing the characters, milking the Sicilian setting, they're just getting started. I also don't think this season will reach the amazing heights of Season 1, but it's still too early to know for sure, and even if it's half as good, that is still very good. I'm hooked again. I think most viewers will be as well.
  8. Yeah he's horrible. But he is a billionaire and a technical genius so we're stuck with him.
  9. Another funny thing if Paul Pelosi had hired a male sex worker in San Francisco of all places these MAGA conspiracy loony tunes believe one of the richest men in the city would have hired that guy of all people who looks like something the cat dragged in.
  10. I will clarify. A good doctor will try to get that evidence. But trying and failing does not rule out scabies if the symptoms evidence is strong. So doctors will treat based on symptoms alone. That's a fact.
  11. So was the itching worse at night or not. If its scabies you can get temporary help with tea tree oil. It kills the mites but not the eggs. Since I've definitely had scabies before I could self diagnose. It's quite distinctive. But yeah you should see a doctor if you're not comfortable with that.
  12. "Treat those two Imposters just the same." What is the name of the Chinese stock he mentioned? I can't make it out.
  13. The Musk.effect. Great quote: “I do not trust Musk and his seemingly infinite immaturity. I do not think Twitter will fall apart instantly but that it could die a slow death. Why waste more time?" Power user Nibel. Quit Twitter because of Musk.
  14. I retired very early because I have a high risk temperament. You're right about the age factor of course but I've never believed its ideal for older people to be entirely out of the markets. Another factor is legacy. Many people care about that. I'm of the you win if your last check bounces brigade.
  15. In real life doctors don't get a definite diagnosis with scraping, that's difficult to do and hit and miss, and instead call it scabies based on symptoms.
  16. A big factor in how screwy the markets are internationally is dollar strength. While yes American expats benefit from that with Fx, I am feeling that is peaking which may mean another year but the dollar can't get stronger forever, can it?
  17. It seems to me for the foreseeable future we're no longer in a time of ez moolah where you can throw darts and pick nothing but winners.
  18. I worked for awhile as a technical analyst but came to the conclusion it's more like astrology.
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