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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. As far as Russian refugee allegiances this is my educated guess. A small minority are anti war activists. Another more sizeable minority against the war but did nothing. Another more significant chunk apolitical until the war came back to bite them in Russia. Probably a bigger chunk Z types / Putin lovers as long as they didn't have to fight. But you will have a very hard time knowing. Very few of the Z types will tell you. They're more likely to lie. They get how the war and Putin are perceived abroad.
  2. Ocean Dental is more than adequate. https://oceandent.com/contact-us/
  3. Of course not. Some may play whatever visa games that are possible such as ED visas. Some will do visa runs as long as possible. Richer ones will buy Elite visas. Some will overstay. Many will work remotely. Many will work illegally. Many will hop around Asia to Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, and back to Thailand. Many will seek asylum elsewhere such as USA and Canada. Some may even go back to Russia depending on how long the war lasts and how it turns out. Most are stressed because of an uncertain future.
  4. I've noticed a spike of Russians in Jomtien recently. Nothing like the old days, but noticeable. The majority looked like young and middle aged men alone or in groups that I took to probably be mobilization refugees. In other words I didn't get a holiday vibe but more of a freaked out vibe. But also some families that may also be refugees.
  5. I think trump should stay banned because he incited a violent attempted coup. I think Trumpists expect Musk to reinstate him. I don't see how he can't. I can't predict the result of that either way. The hate speech people already have other venues such as Parler and others. It seems they want it all. God help us.
  6. Observe his actions and you'll learn a lot more than any speech.
  7. He wanted to murder Nancy Pelosi which would have been a political assassination. But she wasn't home. Next ...
  8. Scabies is creepy as hell but its not really serious medically if that helps a little bit.
  9. Probably the cream first. Ivermectin works but it will be weaker on later infections so I would suggest saving that option just in case.
  10. I think I see a track. That's another scabies sign. If the itching is more intense at night, almost definitely. The first time I had scabies was in Boston and I was so freaked out after the treatment that I would get reinfected that I drove to Montreal. Good times.
  11. Two countries. US and Canada are in the leagues. You could also say blue vs red America are also represented.
  12. I know the neighborhood. It is very genteel. A lot of old money conservative San Francisco blue bloods. Yes America does have classes. Neighbors would not accept any highly visible security barriers. Unseemly. Would lower property values. Perhaps they thought they were covered because of the secret service protection when the speaker was home. Indeed she, not her husband was the target of attempted murder.
  13. Often with Trump it's better when he says nothing. Such as recently when asked about Kanye's antisemitic explosions, his response was he hadn't really followed it (so believeable) but Kanye had said very nice things about him (all he cares about). Anyway I doubt he will say anything. Why should he? He's still the top leader of the grand old party that he hijacked.
  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/10/28/american-jews-exile-fears/?itid=hp_opinions_p001_f004
  15. I didn’t personally expatriate for political reasons but that was long ago and of course I don't have Thai citizenship but .... https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/10/28/american-jews-exile-fears/ American Jews start to think the unthinkable On the holiest night of the Jewish year earlier this month, my rabbi looked up from his Kol Nidre sermon — a homily about protecting America’s liberal democracy — and posed a question that wasn’t in his prepared text: “How many people in the last few years have been at a dining room conversation where the conversation has turned to where might we move? How many of us?” He was talking about the unthinkable: that Jews might need to flee the United States.
  16. Please don't laugh at me but that post was coming from such an alternate world to me that I can't label because I don't understand his code.
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