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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I can't know how accurate that number is but I will say MAGA is not conservative. MAGA is MAGA. A white nationalist fascist movement begun as a cult of personality of Trump worship. Conservative is like traditional republican values including respecting election results such as Liz Cheney. Yes Kanye is black and also MAGA even though MAGA is white nationalist. You can't explain his belief systems with logic such as his belief that Ashkenazi Jews are not real Jews. Again his supposed mental illness is not an excuse. He really believes the garbage he spews, always doubles down, never apologizes. Very similar behavior to Trump who clearly has his own psychological issues but nobody credible gives him a pass become of that.
  2. Saw that one coming a mile away. Let's get real here. The midterms are coming. In the wake of the Trump era, January 6, and the rise of completely insane radical extremists like Marjorie Taylor Greene, rejection of democracy by a large segment of the population, political violence has become part of the environment. Call it the new abnormal.
  3. Of course it's highly likely that Pelosi will lose her speakership soon anyway.
  4. People got so spoiled with those free money rates for so long. The current rates are closer to historically normal.
  5. So it was of that violent ... type we saw on January 6th. One thing I don't get. The speaker of the house is third in line to the presidency. Where was the security? I certainly hope the security would have been better if she was home.
  6. Kanye makes Louis Farrakhan look like my bar mitzvah teacher. He's an industrial factory of hate. Also I don't know anyone in history that has done more to damage to black - Jewish relations. Surely many black people under the influence of his pop star fame are going to believe his garbage.
  7. It's too late. He's been given chances already. Such as an invitation to a VIP tour of the LA Holocaust museum to which he replied that abortion clinics are his Holocaust museum. What an ignoramus. Of course it's fine to oppose abortion. That isn't the point. He was offerred a probably naive but sincere opportunity to have a chance at staunching the damage. Instead he spat in the face of the offer. Enough with the excuses. He's shown the world what he is again and again and all he does when given a life rope is to double down. Let him be. He'll never starve even if he stops making and selling music now which he won't.
  8. Its not murder. It's abortion. By your logic murdering an adult is an abortion. Sorted.
  9. Notice that he doesn't apologize. Instead he doubles down. Exactly the toxic crass behavior of his MAGA idol and now we know he's a long time Hitler fan as well. What next? No excuses. I had thought he had a small chance of rehabilitation by checking himself into a facility and then doing a Klezmer (joking) album but he's beyond that now. If you're looking for a humorous reaction to his self produced mess check out the social media of Michael Rappaport. He pulls no punches.
  10. It seems like Kanye (pronouns Seig Heil?) is giving a master class in how to cancel yourself. Apparently he will be able to continue selling his music. I approve of that. That way people will be able to make their own decisions on whether they can separate the artist from his product. Personally I am able to do that.
  11. To the author if you might like a more symbolic same sex marriage here for now without legal meaning in Thailand but legal in Utah USA of all places here's a way-- https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/oct/07/legal-quirk-allows-gay-couples-in-china-to-get-married-online-in-conservative-utah Legal quirk allows gay couples in China to get married online in conservative Utah At least 200 Chinese couples have married in Utah, which has no residency requirements for marriage licences and allows international Zoom weddings Not long into the pandemic, Michael Foley, a radio host and licensed marriage officiant in Utah, was contacted with an unusual question: could he officiate a completely online marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple living in China? Foley called the county clerk’s office in Provo, Utah, to find out. Somewhat to his surprise, the office told him that as long as the couple were of age and their identities could be verified, it was legal.
  12. Yes but at this point the timing is unknowable All we can do is guess. Another obvious question that can't be answered is will they start with less than option like civil unions or go straight to marriage equality? In any case it will be good for Thailand's international brand when they start with this.
  13. Another way of looking at this that makes sense. It was obvious and justified to punish Kanye. Well done that. But what about rich and powerful white guys trafficing in similar hate speech including a certain ex president who recently threatened Jews who don't support him? Somehow they get a pass Hmm. --- https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/10/26/kanye-west-canceled-antisemitism-hate-speech/ Congrats, you canceled Kanye. Call me when White guys get in trouble.
  14. Now Footlocker has severed with Kanye. No longer a billionaire. Well deserved consequences but of course what Kanye is going to do is play that he is the victim here even though he did this to himself. He'll blame the Jews which is his play now. I don't know if he's really bipolar or not but I do know it's a complicated ailment. Apparently he is now blaming Jews for the diagnosis which I guess might mean he thinks he doesn't suffer from being bipolar, but he definitely suffers from being an antisemite. An important distinction to keep in mind. Say you have a bad experience with a Jewish whatever for doing you wrong. That's rational to blame individual people for perceived mistreatment. But it's very different to blame the collective Jews (or any other group) for your personal woes, which is obviously ignorant and hateful.
  15. As is obvious the significance of MAGA loving Kanye's antisemitism is because of his massive public profile, the same can be said of the antisemitism of Donald Trump. No, not as undeniably explicit as Kanye's rhetoric but interestingly, he hasn't faced ANY consequences for it. In case you haven't followed this, recently he threatened American Jews that don't embrace MAGA (the overwhelming majority of them) as needing to become MAGA "before it's too late." Donald Trump Is an Antisemite and Republicans Are Totally Cool With It (yahoo.com)
  16. As I suspected. It appears my hunch about the toxic intentions of your "question" was well founded. Sigh. https://news.yahoo.com/kanye-wests-fame-gives-unrepentant-120005229.html Kanye West's celebrity gives his brazen antisemitism a more toxic power, reach As the United States increasingly grapples with racist and bigoted rhetoric entering the mainstream — accompanied by a rise in hate crimes, the extremism has tended to come from the margins of political life. But for the last few weeks, a series of antisemitic and conspiracy-soaked rants has emerged not from dark corners of the internet, but from one of America's most renowned rap artists and fashion icons: Kanye West. The ugly, unrepentant nature of the comments by West, who now goes by Ye, present challenges in fighting hate, experts said.
  17. It's worth mentioning that hate speech is legal in the U.S. anyway but that doesn't mean that it is free of personal responsibility consequences. Kanye has said he now intends to buy Parler social media platform which has very free speech and is notorious for featuring the most extreme forms of right wing hate speech. He is free to do that if he can still afford it. But he doesn't control whether a company like Adidas chooses to break ties with him or not. Kanye West is buying ‘free speech platform’ Parler - The Verge
  18. Fueling antisemitism. Making it even more acceptable for already antisemitic people to be more open about it and to express it which means more hate crimes including violent ones such as Synagogue attacks. BTW, I consider your question to be very questionable in intent. The answer was obvious. To add if Joe Blow down the street is a Jew hater is one thing, but that of course is magnified exponentially in influence when major public personalities like Kanye (and Trump) express that.
  19. He's obviously looking for a parade where many people are sticking objects through their face. You go to Phuket for that.
  20. Mental issues don't give him a pass. Antisemitism has already been on the increase quite dramatically, coming from the left and right, but mostly from the right. Kanye (you can call him Ye) being a very major musical star, fashionista, and cultural influencer has basically thrown a lot of fuel on the fire. Particularly on the sensitive issue of black American and Jewish American relations. Yes he is MAGA, not republican. They are not the same thing. Add Kanye's Trump worship with Trump's history of antisemitism as well and you get a toxic brew. Sure Kanye is being punished but as I predict another major spike in antisemitic hate crimes from both MAGA and non MAGA black Americans influenced my him plus the usual Nazi or Nazi adjacent fascists who will now feel they have permission to be even more explicit about their Jew hatred, any punishment he is getting isn't really nearly equivalent to the damage he has caused.
  21. Thailand seems to be going in the right direction lately except for the Putin appeasement. I hope that continues.
  22. No. I'm doing a cheeseburger.
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