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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He's obviously looking for a parade where many people are sticking objects through their face. You go to Phuket for that.
  2. Mental issues don't give him a pass. Antisemitism has already been on the increase quite dramatically, coming from the left and right, but mostly from the right. Kanye (you can call him Ye) being a very major musical star, fashionista, and cultural influencer has basically thrown a lot of fuel on the fire. Particularly on the sensitive issue of black American and Jewish American relations. Yes he is MAGA, not republican. They are not the same thing. Add Kanye's Trump worship with Trump's history of antisemitism as well and you get a toxic brew. Sure Kanye is being punished but as I predict another major spike in antisemitic hate crimes from both MAGA and non MAGA black Americans influenced my him plus the usual Nazi or Nazi adjacent fascists who will now feel they have permission to be even more explicit about their Jew hatred, any punishment he is getting isn't really nearly equivalent to the damage he has caused.
  3. Thailand seems to be going in the right direction lately except for the Putin appeasement. I hope that continues.
  4. No. I'm doing a cheeseburger.
  5. Like I said before a minority will demand the 20 (if you're f-rang) in which case just pay it. But the majority won't. Of course they will just grab it if you pay 20 and not 10. What happens is a f-rang will hear the 20 demand once and falsely assume that's the fare. Then they always pay it and spread the fake news. Pay 10 ten times.. Then you'll know what I know. The fare is 10. An occasional demand for 20 doesn’t change that.
  6. Nobody said inanimate object. But part of the mother's body and not the same as after its born. To clarify you won't find many people approving very late term abortion unless in extreme circumstances such as protecting the life of the mother. The specific about nation's laws for the timing of allowing more usual reasons abortions are of course a matter of legislative decisions as Thailand is doing.
  7. Glad to oblige. 10 baht 10 baht 10 baht The baht bus fare is 10 baht.
  8. Don't make their brains hurt.
  9. Here's a 10 baht tip. The ignore list is your friend
  10. Because it's not part of the culture there. Go to Phuket for that. I did once and don't regret it.
  11. Also 10 baht to North road. If you loop back to the beach or go into Naklua then it resets to a new ride so then its 20 baht.
  12. Oh great. Robert F. Kennedy -- Mr. Conspiracy theory. Robert Kennedy's new book is full of COVID-19 conspiracy theories (nzz.ch)
  13. Not equivalent. Judaism is much less restrictive than Christianity. Basically, and correctly based on simple logic, in Jewish tradition fetuses are not give as high a status as those that have been born. Judaism and abortion - Wikipedia Of course it's possible but I've never heard of a Jew blowing up an aborion clinic.
  14. If you insist on calling it murder, call it murder. Doesn’t make any difference because whatever you call it there is a difference between a fetus and after a person is born.
  15. Pad Krapow Gai (minced) phet phet with runny egg Tom Yum Kung clear broth phet phet Hor mok talay
  16. Yeah they would just regroup, upgrade their weapons, and when they were really ready on to Odessa and beyond, make Ukraine a landlocked country, and then Kyiv and no country. You can't trust Putin and his entire regime as far as you can throw him out a window. Also Putin might go but the next dinosaur could be even worse. The only way to survival as a sovereign nation for Ukraine is to overwhelming win in battle. This wasn't their choice. It was Putin's choice.
  17. Where else would we go for such high level political analysis?
  18. I think Putin's biggest mistake wasn't that dumb. Still evil of course. He thought the western response to the total invasion would be something like when he stole Crimea. It wasn't a crazy assumption. But it turned out to be super wrong.
  19. Good news for the war effort but bad news for Brittney Griner.
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