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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I think you're advocating being very mean to minorities. Its no skin off your ass to just be civil and not insult them.
  2. You're presumably straight and cisgender. You're already the dominant majority. But no. That's not good enough. You insist on degrading minorities to their faces. Brave of you. Nobody is forcing you. It would be nice though if your mother had taught you some manners.
  3. So you're the victim. I can feel the toxic homophobia seeping out of my device. Why is it so hard for so many people to just be basically civil to others.
  4. I would expect that kind of backwards hostile disrespectful of differences attitude from the uneducated and religious fanatics not mutually exclusive. People you preached to in that rude way would consider you a bully. If that's how you identify nobody is stopping you from presenting to the world that way.
  5. Being a parent is a gamble. You get what you get. Clearly not everyone is fit for being a parent.
  6. Is what the "father" is accused of not against the law in Thailand? If not, is wife beating legal here too?
  7. The house committee doesn’t indict. There is plenty of time to indict. Department of Justice on many possible charges. Also Atlanta which has a very strong case. Maybe New York on financial crimes. I would suggest to you to follow facts based news more closely.
  8. It needs a lot of things and one of the things it needs is for Trump to finally face consequences for his crimes as no citizen is supposed to be above the law.
  9. They are very careful as he is ex president. You can bet the house at least one indictment will come. It proves nothing that they are slow.
  10. Tons. He should be over but he still leads a cult where evidence doesn't matter.
  11. Internal UKRAINE conflict like South Thailand. Not buying into that Putinista talking point. Here's one for you. What were Russian separatist operatives doing in Ukraine before the invasion for many years before this year's invasion? How would the Thai government feel if Malaysian operatives were doing the same in South Thailand. Quite simply the history of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine is very complex. The truth is nothing like the Putin comic book version you present. What you present is one side unadulterated pro Putin propaganda. It can't be taken seriously any more than the recent sham referendums or that Putin invaded to defeat Nazis.
  12. Saying it again, I would have concerns about the process mailing it myself and getting it mailed back myself both with security and the showing ID concern that I would have, having no other ID except for my passport. Would an agent be better? Possibly as you suggest not, but I think that they would definitely be able to send and receive securely, but sure all kinds of other errors are possible when it's out of your hands. So your point is valid. Neither way is 100 percent secure.
  13. Thanks for reporting your experience but sorry that's an awful lot of supposing. For years now I've always needed a passport to mail anything at my local post office. I did one DHL shipment here, also needing to show passport.
  14. As I posted before that agency doesn't mention US service on their website but I saw a very recent intereview with the owner saying that indeed they do. He said it takes three weeks which is very quick considering it takes much longer if done in the US.
  15. I am also quite computer literate. As said before, I liked the old method because I didn't need to mail it in or receive it by mail. Personally, my main concern yet again is the physical security of the passport.
  16. Again, I posted this for EVERYONE that might be interested. I am not going to bother this agent as my passport isn't expiring soon and I don't see my role here as an unpaid reporter. I merely shared some news but naturally I attracted some heckling, another case of no good deed go unpunished. The news again is that I've heard of helpers for UK passports for many years but this was the first time I heard US passports mentioned. I am NOT posting here to suggest that even one person needs to use such a service for any nationality. That's up to them if they choose to explore the option. Personally for my next renewal I will then read the embassy stuff which could easily change by then, probably post here for more tips (such as a photographer recommendation, the last time was a real headache getting them to do it properly) and then maybe just maybe see if there is still an agent service and try to understand if they can offer me any extra value for my main concern SECURITY in the sending and receiving.
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