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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. They are slow but they are working to some degree on Russia. Sure beats threatening using nukes.
  2. They're going into densely populated neighborhoods in Kyiv. Not military targets. That is classic terrorism. Russian soldiers aren't motivated. Ukrainians are very motivated. So try to crush the morale of the Ukrainian people. It won't work. So if you don't follow the news, I guess you can just make things up. You lost all credibility suggesting those drones aren't meant to kill. Do you think Putin is a soft touch or something? Look what he's doing to his own people. He is literally a monster.
  3. Follow the news. They are specifically targeting civilians in Kyiv. Basically war crimes.
  4. Citizen trump only gets worse and worse and worse as time goes on. The time has come to rein him in.
  5. Do you think Iran knew (or cared) that Russia's plan was to use their drones to specifically target civilians? Basically TERRORISM.
  6. It's called ENT Clinic? If not please share name and location in Pattaya. Thank you.
  7. Brokering a cease fire would only help war criminal Putin. It would give him time to strengthen his invasion positions, train the perhaps million of cannon fodder mobilization victims better, etc. The way to end this war decisively is for Ukraine to win decisively against the fascist Russian invaders who have the intent of erasing Ukraine as a nation. From a stronger position yes there will need to be negotiations to end it but that can be massively more of a real ending than a weak tea cease fire.
  8. Everything's a grift with that guy. Everything. But using the burial of an ex wife for a massive tax loophole was next level.
  9. By a bipartisan committee with countless republican witnesses for the American people that support the constitution and wish to preserve it against enemies foreign and domestic. In this case a very dark time in American history the most notorious enemy of the constitution was remarkably a president of the United States.
  10. The January 6 hearings have proven there was an organized plot. Did you watch it? But I get it. The cult of the chief autocratic dictator wannabe will mostly remain unmoved. https://www.american.edu/cas/news/january-6-one-year-later.cfm The January 6 Insurrection: One Year Later AU faculty examine the storming of the US Capitol and the forces behind it "The failed attempt to overturn a legitimately conducted election on January 6, 2021, was not a singular event. This insurrection was part of a protracted, still ongoing assault on American democracy, not by the everyday insurrectionists but by privileged elites set upon maintaining power at any cost."
  11. It's even worse than that. The majority of them support the big lie. Most of their candidates are OK with overturning election results they don’t like in future just because their candidate didn't win and they are trying to install officials nationally who will have the power to do that. Now the party of fascism using Putin style tactics. If it was just one man Trump it would pass but Trumpism has been firmly installed for who knows how long.
  12. It was a violent coup.attempt / insurrection incited by a criminally corrupt ex president who wanted to be and still wants to be dictator.
  13. The party of Trump will.probably win the house. In that case yes they will kill the committee for sure. But the DOJ, Atlanta, New York will continue and indictment(s) of Trump are coming. The.party of trump might impeach Garland and Biden but they won't have the votes to convict in the senate.
  14. You've met them all then? This is really great. A severely abused child and people calling her a faker.
  15. He didn't intend to win the first time. He ran to add value to his brand. If he had lost in 2016 with anything better than a Clinton landslide he would have accomplished that goal.
  16. What sort did they seem? Old school types? Z types? New wave draft dodgers?
  17. Not really happening in schools. Don't fall for such obvious right wing culture wars propaganda.
  18. It's more about bending over backwards to be disrespectful to a widely hated minority group. This has become tedious. Agree to disagree.
  19. I don't follow you. Transgendet women are overwhelmingly into men. That's not gay jf they identify as female.
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