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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. People ignored me again and again so I gave up! There is another active topic specifically fitting escalation discussion but people insisted on ignoring that so I did indeed post on that vein here. Note well I personally never had a problem with that except in the sense of forum guidelines. Only that. Otherwise they fit together. If you insist on trying to get this closed now for whatever reason that's up to you. It feels like personal spite to me though so not very pretty. Cheers.
  2. There won't be one in the sense of proving him of being a traitor. If he leads Ukraine to a decisive victory against Putin he will be the George Washington of his country. As far as money he was a very successful entertainment entrepreneur before being a leader so he would be crazy not to have money abroad. Usually these kinds of Tucker Carlson level snarky insinuations are also tainted with antisemitism. These toxic arguments try to suggest that because Ukraine isn't a perfect democracy or free of ony corruption they are as bad as Putin and not worthy of support from the west to defend against a genocidal invasion. Of course I don’t know what percentage of Zelensky's assets are abroad but I would consider him stupid and irresponsible to have none considering hes a top assassination target and has a family with young children.
  3. I don't. Some of them left with one days notice. They are not typical expats! They ran for their lives. They have issues with Russian Bank cards working. They are a wide range of wealth levels and ages. Some have valuable marketable skills. Some don't. Very few left with detailed long term financial plans. Use your common sense. The longer they need to be out of Russia the number that will run out of money will inevitably increase. They may need to be out indefinitely. Nobody knows how long.
  4. Nope. China has learned lessons but a fallen Russia makes them that much stronger. China will not join with Russia A peace plan with Russia leaving Ukraine would be very welcome.
  5. You lost me at your assertion that Putin cares one iota about slaughtering civilians including children. He is more than willing to flatten Ukraine to dust if he can't win his war of choice. That would still be a win for him as his intentions in Ukraine are genocidal anyway. It is true Putin doesn't actually want nuclear war but rather he's trying to scare off the west to stop supporting Ukraine's defense It won't work. The more war crimes he commits the less chance of the west backing off. However because Putin started with the nuclear threats the chances greatly increase of a kind of accidental escalation into full nuclear war. Not probable but no doubt possible.
  6. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/10/04/russia-putin-mobilization-central-asia-conscripts-flee/ According to this an estimated "hundreds of thousands" of Russians had fled the country to avoid conscription in a very short period of time as of 2 October. They keep coming and to several different countries. The line at the Georgian border could be seen from space. I challenge all to cite a comparably large or bigger such movement of men fleeing conscription in history.
  7. The war was over before I was 18 but I would have been 4F. I started protesting at 13. Let my freak flag fly and all that. My story might beat yours. A neighbors family was driving down to a major protest in their Citroen but my Dad forbade it. Not sure that he was very pro war but he thought my activities might threaten his defense oriented government job. So he literally tied me to a chair in the basement! Naturally I escaped. Don't get me wrong. He was a sweetheart.
  8. Well during the entire very long Vietnam War according to this there were roughly only 40,000 that fled to Canada and they classed as immigrants not refugees. I never heard of a dodger on that era that went to any other country than Canada Of course there were some but definitely mostly Canada. One of my best buddies migrated to Manitiba with his entire war protesting family. I remember the farewell party. Manitoba sounded like Siberia. https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/u-s-vietnam-war-draft-dodgers-left-their-mark-on-canada/
  9. Obviously but if they've got the goods on him they should go ahead and indict.
  10. No. I'm talking about leaving the country. Americans that left the country are obviously very minimal compared to the Russians. Of course corrupt fake ailments like nonexistent bone spurs used in both cases but reports are many with very real medical reasons are being scooped up in Russia. I knew some guys that faked being gay and it worked but that was deeply stigmatized back then. Russians currently studying are exempt too. But yes the same kind of deal with targeting poor and minorities. Putin is avoiding targeting middle class in Moscow and St Petersburg.
  11. If there is a first strike full on Armageddon nuclear attack, the first strike will come from Russia so I really do find your comment totally absurd. The only way it would come first from the USA is if there is a miscommunication and the USA mistakenly thinks Russia has launched. The chances of such a mistake are not trivial.
  12. Is there any way to kick Russia off the UN security council? As far walking gingerly to avoid WW3, in my view that is silly as we're already there. Not yet time to bomb Moscow but long overdue to give Ukraine everything they want.
  13. Jingthing


    It's not the same as with females. Why would something so obvious wait until now to be discovered. Don't like it? Don't do it to yourself or your male children. Otherwise none of your business!
  14. Jingthing


    It is. You don't want it to be, but it is. Aren't there bigger battles to fight in life? The overwhelming majority of cut males have no complaints later in life, so what's the problem?
  15. Jingthing


    There are pros and cons of male cutting. They are not super significant either way. It is not child abuse either way. If you are going to cut doing it at infancy is the best option. Yes I do have a bias but it's of course up to the parents.
  16. Jingthing


    Cut males maturbate more and more intensely. That cutting was done in the olden days to stop deleted us freakin' hilarious.
  17. Jingthing


    Probably best to just agree to disagree. Nobody is going to have their mind changed about this here.
  18. Basically if Russia OR the US lets them loose (the full attack), OR the other side mistakenly thinks that they did (refer to the Cuban missile crisis, so close) then the other side has no choice but to do the same. That's MAD but Putin seems to playing with fire suggesting we are in a post MAD world.
  19. Jingthing


    It well may have been historically (in the US male masturbation used to be good for an invitation to an insane asylum) but that's a moot point in deciding today. Yes there is a key pleasure part missing that the male will never miss because never known, but cut men get plenty enough pleasure and there have been studies to suggest they tend to get MORE pleasure from areas other than the penis, and in my view, that's a good thing.
  20. Pushing a moral and ethical equivalency narrative that does NOT exist. If you said OK Zelinsky isn't a saint and Ukraine is far from a perfect democracy, that would be credible. But not what you said.
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