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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Very naive. The only way for there to be a peaceful end game for Putin's folly war is for Ukraine to continue to win decisively. Putin's goal remains and will always be to erase the nation of Ukraine forever. ALL of it. Sorry that the Thai leaders don't see it (they probably do but insist on not making waves).
  2. Sham votes with guns pointed. Recognized as legit by almost no other countries.
  3. Above is indeed Russian propaganda. Putin is a war criminal. Never forget that he stole Crimea. Putin can't accept Ukraine being a sovereign nation and emerging democracy A minority of the total population doesn't want that. They can try to win the next election or they can move to Russia. The four new annexed regions are not Russia.
  4. Using slurs. Spreading Kremlin lies that being a Russian speaker equals being anti Ukrainian I have no time for such Putinista garbage. Bye.
  5. The topic here is Putin's illegal invasion and occupations in Ukraine and Thailand's failure to stand up clearly against evil. Bye.
  6. In my experience most people don't use that code, but perhaps you mean that your pronouns are they/them?
  7. Well it's more about Thailand asserting it's integrity rather than helping Ukraine. They failed.
  8. In other words when it gets too hot in the kitchen, Thailand calls for delivery from Food Panda.
  9. Ever heard of the eternal separatist war in the south here? Thailand has a right to resist that and Malaysia hasn't even stolen a province there as Putin stole Crimea in 2014. Sovereign governments may have language standards for government business. If you don't like it fine but no justication to invade or occupy. The Ukrainian nationals that prefer to live in Russia can most probably move to Russia.
  10. Thailand showing profiles in something starting with C but the word is not courage.
  11. Always "great" to see there are always people that are still buying Kremlin propaganda.
  12. Well Mar A Lago is a big house and the big cheese will likely be incarcerated there but I don't forsee any chain gangs in his future.
  13. Ignoring your derisive tone, yes I did like the previous method very much. Not everyone is the same. What a surprise. What I liked the most was that I handed my old passport directly to an embassy person and got handed the new one back directly from another embassy person. I am very protective of my passport so that was as secure as it could possibly get. Maybe most people aren't as paranoid as me but that is neither here nor there. Nobody has said the fee is that high for US applications so no need for unsupported hyperbole. Different countries have different situations. Moving on from that there is a question that I have about mailing methods. When mailing stuff at the post office they always require showing passport (or I assume a Thai type of ID drivers license etc.). I think DHL too. Wouldn't such an ID be needed for that receiving too? Well you're sending your passport so you can't show ID if you don't have a Thai type of ID other than your passport if your passport is what you're sending. So how does that work?
  14. The reason I would renew my passport is because the expiration date is approaching. All expats here need a valid passport whether they have imminent travel plans or not. Also if you have an annual extension coming up if you don't have a full year left on your passport your next extension will only be to the expiration date of the current passport so all the rest of the extension is lost and not transferable to the new passport. To add: Kindly desist with the personalized STALKING. Your snarky insinuations about my personal life here and repeatedly elsewhere are most unwelcome and totally out of line. Hopefully this message is clear enough to you to internalize the message.
  15. Well adding passport pages is no longer offered by the embassy. For my last passport renewal in Thailand this is what I did. Attended the Pattaya consular outreach (which is of course finished now) and handed in my passport renewal application, picture, and fee. When it was ready, I was emailed, and then I went to the embassy in Bangkok to pick it up (along with the old passport and embassy letter) at the intake window in front of the building. I liked that method very much. But that is the past. Cheers.
  16. It was definitely not over a decade ago! I don't recall the exact year. I guess approximately six years ago. I am NOT really seeking advice on how to renew passports. Mine isn't up now. No point in bothering as the process can change anyway. In case you missed it. I started this topic to share the news that there is at least one local visa agent offering assistance to US expats in the process. I never said everyone needs it or if it would be a wise purchase for those that use it. Just that the help for pay is available. Some people pay just for hand holding for a lot of processes here. It's their choice either way.
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