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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Afraid of being sent to the front, being thrown out a window, or sent to prison for a long term.
  2. You're wrong. It's possible. Discuss scenario theories on the POLITICAL topics.
  3. I somehow think people would become less picky. Donner. Party of three.
  4. I never said it was likely but yes of course it is possible and the risk is the highest its been since the Cuban missile crisis.
  5. The premise of this topic is actually what happens in Thailand if the war escalates to full blown nuclear war where Russia, Europe, and North America are wiped out bringing on global nuclear winter.
  6. They aren't rejecting Trumpism. They may want to trade in for a new model who won't be dodging prison.
  7. The majority of Republicans are Trumpists and believe the big lie.
  8. Everything is about trump in today's American politics and even after he is finally gone it will then be about Trumpism. As Trumpism is fascism and if it triumphs the American democratic experiment will be over. A likely outcome but there is still time to fight.
  9. Nope. It's only fair and balanced that Biden's gaffes be measured against at this point his most likely opponent Mr. Trump. Biden has been well known as a gaffe machine his entire political career but overall the man has proven to have good intentions to serve his country and promote democracy. Compared to Trump the insurrectionist lover of Putin who has a record of toxic unhinged non sensensical racist and toxic statements. It is fair to question the fitness of both of them to serve though. It's clear majorities would rather that the nominees be different people.
  10. How atrociously and criminally bad trump is isn't funny in the slightest.
  11. It wouldn't be that immediate here which might not be such a blessing.
  12. It's often said that Thais think f-rangs are rich. Adding insult to injury do you think that means we would be targeted for break ins? Not so much for money which might be worthless but for our imagined well stocked pantries?
  13. Knowing Thai society, people and government, would there be martial law a million percent shooting looters etc. or would things just devolve into full anarchy very quickly?
  14. Based on geography there are much better places much further away from Russia. Speaking of neighbors how about China. Would they be flooding south? I assume the banks would just close. I wouldn't assume paper money would mean anything. Maybe gold but more like just survival commodities would have value
  15. You're right. If you can't accept BASIC FACTS, there is nothing further to discuss. Bye.
  16. This is NOT the topic for such discussions. If you have no comment on the actual topic here. kindly DO NOT POST HERE. In case anyone forgot. A full scale nuclear war is a POSSIBLE excalation from the war. Perhaps a tiny tiny percentage chance, perhaps higher, but the possibility is a FACT. So that's the starting point. IF that occurs, then what happens in THAILAND?
  17. They can if there are criminals among them. I would take measures to hide more valuable items.
  18. So, isolationism then like the Lindbergh types in WW2. The only significant force in the U.S. that opposes military aid to Ukraine comes from the extremist right wing, like MTG. Their objection is not about profits for arms companies. But the extremist right wing is a very important part of the republican party and if as is projected they take control of the house, NATO and Ukraine will be worried. Similar to the bad news that actual fascists have taken power in Italy.
  19. At election times it's always a question of choosing the least worse choice.
  20. Good for you. In my case I'd be ready to call it a day in case of Armageddon. The stock market crash is bad enough!
  21. The premise of this topic is IF the worse happens. That is the starting point. NOT a place for political theories as above.
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