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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I doubt it. Have you seen the prices out of Russia? I posted about this before. I follow a number of Russian youtubers who have escaped or are trying to escape. One of them was talking to a lot of them during a peak fleeing day in Moscow airport. Thailand, Bali, and Vietnam were specifically mentioned as ultimate destinations. Georgia has been most popular but because of the Russians, rents have skyrocketed and the government is talking about cracking down on easy visas for them. To add, men trying to leave are questioned at borders and SOME are turned away from leaving. The top targets of that are the younger men.
  2. That is what Americans the victors are taught in school but there is more to it. https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/How-the-Soviets-helped-Allies-defeat-Japan-3177012.php
  3. I'm not convinced that the US had to use nukes to beat Japan but that is literally an academic question now. The current situation is completely different. Two nuclear powers involved. MAD has worked up till now but the dynamics have changed. One side Putin openly willing to consider using tactical nukes if sovereign Russia is threatened and Putin now has FIVE annexed regions that he has illegally claimed as Russia. Ukraine has not respected Putin's scams. It would be silly at this point to not take Putin's threats seriously and if he acts escalation to full nuclear war is very possible.
  4. Swedish coming out of the closeter from 1998. Not dated except for lack of social media which is kind of refreshing.
  5. Full nuclear war means nuclear winter here. Obviously one or a few tactical nukes in the war region wouldn't be a fallout issue here. The premise here is about full nuclear war MAD where Russia, Europe, and North America are wiped out.
  6. Why would workers even show up at banks and stores? To be paid in worthless cash? So there would be nationwide looting. Not sure if the government would shoot them or not.
  7. Immigration. Such matters would become instantly trivial. Banks will be closed too.
  8. If he uses even one nuke directed at a target the fallout would likely blow to a NATO country. That would trigger WW3 The most likely response is NATO destroying most of Russia's military targets in the Ukraine with conventional weapons. The west will not do a first strike for full nuclear war. At that point it will be up to Putin to try to end the world along with his own life or not. If he decides on doing that the only hope is for people not to follow his orders and off him instead. I wouldn't even try to place odds on whether he would be stopped internally then or not. Of course if his orders are followed MAD follows and it's game over.
  9. No way. At the very least the entire country will be running on the banks, gold shops, food stores, gun shops, and any survival supply stores There will be looting, probably martial law, and the beginning of breakdown of civilization. There will be a mass exodus from the cities.
  10. I have defended him. He is doing a good job. Excellent so far supporting Ukraine and helping to unify NATO. Historic domestic legislative accomplishments comparable to LBJ. Just ordered release of all federal pot possession prisoners. The gaffes are optics. What matters most are his behind the scenes work that continues to get good things done for the country.
  11. I guess if this happens, there will be a big demand for cyanide pills. I don’t see much of a survival path for urban f-rangs.
  12. Even if it's half a percent that's way too much of a risk considering the consequences. Of course the exact number can't really be quantified but definitely over zero.
  13. If you don’t accept the premise that full nuclear war is possible related to the Rus/Ukr war then you're simply in the wrong topic.
  14. Nobody is above the law. Democrats respect that. Trumpists don't.
  15. He just turned 70 and sickly. He's losing his war. His pet very impressive Crimea bridge was just blown up. Slava Ukraine. He's weaker than ever and cornered with no off ramp. He won't accept defeat. He's now definitely the most dangerous man in the world. Maybe the most dangerous man ever.
  16. Do I need to spell this out dude?!? This is not a political topic. Members are not allowed to start them. You didn’t know that? Members obnoxiously hijacking this Thailand related non political topic are going to get it closed There are active other topics for political escalation scenario theories. Got it now?
  17. No arguing. You're posting OFF TOPIC. That is not cool. There are other active topics for such escalation theories. This is only about Thailand IF the worse happens.which is objectively possible.
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