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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I know a lot of people will only watch highly rated movies. Well, I think that's rubbish. While I have found that movies rated very low on IMDB, Rotten, etc. almost always are time wasters, many of the mid level ones turn out to be charmning gems. Here's one rated 5.9 on IMDB. Starring Ethan Hawke and Asa Butterfield (who you might recognize from the Sex Education series).
  2. Are you having a laugh?!? His first target was Kyiv and actively trying to murder Zelinsky and his family.
  3. Thailand has lots of options if you have at least middle class money, but no viable path towards permanent residency for most. Cambodia very easy for retirement visas, but I've heard there is tightening for others such as "business" visas. Vietnam is not a viable destination for retirees, visa-wise. Ecuador has tightened / made things more expensive. Mexico has made things much more expensive and has tried to kill the live permanently on six month visa runs option. Colombia has tightened in all categories and for the retirement option even though affordable the retirement rules have changed in odious ways. Except for Cambodia with the easy retirement visa and Georgia (now made expensive by so many Russians) where you can theoretically live indefinitely on one year visa runs no questions asked, I am not really aware of these scads of super easy visa countries for residency you speak about. That's why I asked you to name them. You basically can't and neither can I. Georgia assuming that most of inflation bringing Russians eventually move on does offer that easy live there for a year at a time option but they can change that rule any day, and paths towards more permanent residency are not at all easy or cheap. You asked which are my current backup to Thailand options. Cambodia of course but the poor health care is unacceptable. Mexico for now as I can qualify with their show money option for now, but the rumors is that they plan on major immigration changes in 2023 (at the very least definitely at least more expensive but maybe much more) that might eliminate them. Philippines still interests me. I'm curious about cool weather mountain city Baguio. Portugal will be good for many. I'm a bit unclear if I qualify and there has definitely been a lot of housing inflation in the expat saturated areas. Anyone can see a global trend here.
  4. Yes, but that would be suicidal for Putin. Houston -- we've got a problem.
  5. Garbage. Putin the Horrible would then continue and annex the entire country. There are no equivalents here. Putin invaded. Putin is doing sham annexations. Ukraine is DEFENDING.
  6. Putin is so innocent. The victim of the west. Sure thing.
  7. Conspiracy theory garbage. Putin chose this war. If it continues to escalate that's on Putin too.
  8. Yes. Trump's treasonous behavior at the infamous Trump - Putin press conference in Helsinki was the highlight of Putin's career.
  9. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I meant that Ukraine has needed outside help with arms, etc. and will continue to need such help. Ukrainians have shown historically remarkable motivation and bravery but without the arms help they wouldn't be winning. Putin the Horrible may indeed go nuclear and if he does he will start smallish. I don't think the first response will be nuclear but it will need to be otherwise proportionate. If it escalates after that all bets are off. If anyone had any doubt at all about whether Ukraine would respect the sham annexations.
  10. Again just STOP it. Your first and third sentences said you NOT you guys. You most certainly were BAITING me personally. Everyone can see that. Your attempt at plausible deniability was implausible. I am not the topic. Capiche.
  11. Try me. Kindly desist from personal baiting me. Such obnoxious postz are very unwelcome.
  12. 2 km may be one example. I have many deliveries coming from very much further than that.
  13. Lecture on. As if you get all the reasons people love these services. I don't have a vehicle on purpose and there is either no or very bad and slow public transportation to most of the places I order from. Not ordering delivery to such places if I want their food would be nuts. It's a big win win for all involved parties.
  14. Not by me. I never said immediately. Bye
  15. It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. Winston Churchill
  16. Well they've been warned. If they ignore the warning it's on them not their governments
  17. Raising livestock in a small condo is allowed because nobody thought to make that a rule. No pets? Sure. Cattle aren't pets. Where's the beef? Room 1534.
  18. Yes and it's clearly classic projection deflection to accuse the democrats of not caring about democracy. No. That's the maga position. Also note almost every time Mr. Trump accuses a perceived enemy of doing something odious, he's actually talking about himself.
  19. I think the Russians need to do this. Western policies can contribute to nudging them to do this. If the Russians can't or won't. I really don't know how he can be ended except from natural causes. The most likely Russian way is a coup from the military or FSB, but Putin is so paranoid that clearly anyone that he suspects of betrayal gets thrown out a window. That's classic evil dictator behavior and he fits the bill. I don't remember the source but I recently saw a pundit saying the people COULD oust him if a million of them hit the streets in Moscow. While I don't know if that's true, or perhaps two million or another number would be needed, but up till now Putin's intimidation tactics and machine have always worked. That seems the best way, a real people's revolution, but somehow the least likely. Putin Has Left the World No Other Option But Regime Change (thedailybeast.com)
  20. I use them both. There are pros and cons to both. My main criteria is the restaurant. For the places I usually order from, they are not on both apps. If they are, one or the other may be a better deal. One thing I really like with Grab over Panda is if paying online rather than cash it offers a tipping option to be used only AFTER the order has been delivered. That's a good incentive. On Panda they recently added tipping but you must do at time of order. No way am I tipping at time of order. That's the oppositte of an incentive. So the driver sees you haven't tipped so might think you won't tip cash upon delivery and give poorer service.
  21. I wouldn't go that far. If it's raining a lot you know there's a good chance there is an issue. I've also noticed (in Pattaya) some general areas are more likely to not be accepted to my location than others so if I really want some food quickly, I won't take a chance on those. There are also somewhat predictable patterns of busy days of the week, rush hours, which you can choose to avoid. The taking a lot of time to cancel is really bad because you need to wait until they do until you start to arrange an alternative.
  22. While we're at it why don't people skaughter their own cattle in their condos when they want a burger anymore?
  23. You're wrong. I've been. It's fabulous. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Portugal Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights in Portugal improved substantially in the 2000s and 2010s and are now among the best in the world.
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